[FREE] Sai Baba Question And Answer Askganesha | updated!
He believed in the power of brain and mind, like ancient sages he also said that a powerful mind with concentration can light lamps, which are far away. Sai Baba is called the Absolute God, considered as one of saints of India, possessing...
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And he used to go door to door to ask for alms and use to cook the food that he would have gathered that day. Another point that he stressed on was the doing charity and sharing for him was important. The miracle is here and Sai Baba finally answers...
Ask Sai Baba, And He Will Answer
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Shirdi Sai Baba Answers – Ask Sai Baba
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Enter your lucky number in the given box and click Ask Sai Baba button. You can get most demanding solution for your problem and get solved in few days. You can ask for his assistance for your problem, he will guide you to proceed further. Here, you can get clear and crisp solution to all your questions. Shirdi Sai Baba Answers For Your Questions How Ask Sai Baba Works: Believe that you are sitting before to Sai Baba Think your problem to be fixed and seek for Sai Baba guidance As him to suggest answer to your question by typing number 1 to Believe and enter the number that strikes in your mind After typing the number, click Ask Sai Baba button You will be redirected to new page that offer most crisp answer to your problem Sai baba answers are programmed into numbers and we believe it offer correct answers to all our questions. Baba has helped millions of people by answering their question in this web site.
Your Shirdi SaiBaba
Sai baba devotees all over the world believes that the great saint helping the people in needs. They also believe that Sai Baba appears in-front you in different ways and guide you to come out of troubled times by offering proper answers. Shirdi Sai Baba Assurance to Devotees: Whoever touches Shirdi Soil, all their sufferings and problem comes to end Their problems will rise to happiness and joy as soon as they climb the steps of mu Samadhi My tomb shall bless and speak to the needs of my devotees I shall be active and vigorous even from my tomb.
Sai Baba Answers
I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body. My mortal remains will speak from my tomb. If you seek my advice and help, it shall be given to you at once. If you look to me, I look to you. I am ever living to help and guide all who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me. There shall be no want in the house of my devotee.
Ask Sai Baba Prashnavali And Get Answers
If you cast your burden on me, I shall surely bear it. Debate is going on about his origin — Hindu and Muslims. He is followed by some of the several Hindu and Sufi religious leader. We always believe that Sai Baba is common to all and offer his blessings to his devotees. Shri Sai Baba left his physical body in October 15, …. But, his devotees believe that he is with us and appear live to devotees who believe in him and offer solution to all their problems in much needed time.
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Based on the historical research into genealogies, researchers believe that Sai Baba born with the name of Haribhau Bhusari. They also suggest that to close follower Mhalsapati, he was born to Brahmin parents in Pathri village and had been taken care of fakir during his childhood. Some believe that, he born to Muslim parents and left him to Hindu guru, Venkusa of Selu. They also states that he stayed with Venkusa for more than 12 years. Some writers supporting Hindu background over Muslim, while other combine both the theories. Reportedly, Sai Baba arrived to Shirdi village in the Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, India — when he was about 16 years old.
Sai Baba Chart
He led simple lifestyle, sitting under the neem tree and meditating while sitting in yoga position. Sai Satcharita recounts the reaction of the villagers. They states that village people were wonder stuck to see such younger lad practicing meditation, without minding head or cold. Some of the followers namely Mhalsapati, Appa Jogle and Kashinatha, regularly visit him to practice yoga with him. After sometime, he left the village and its unknown where he stayed during that time. Some believe that he met several saints and fakirs, even worked as weaver. Sai Baba Growing as Muslim: Fakir, who bought the baby, went his him and gave it to his wife. They believe that lord gave the baby and grew with them. Sai Baba growing as a Hindu: After few years, fakir got stuck with illness that his days were numbered. He called his wife and told about the person and he died.
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Later, Fakirs wife taken the child to the Brahmin family and he readily accepted, so they took the responsibility of raising that kid. The name Sai stuck with him and sometime later people started to call him as Sai Baba. During that time, Baba accepted his famous dressing style. It created some stir among the Hindu devotees. Narasimhaswami his popular follower recorded that it creates troublesome devotees in For four to five years, Sai Baba continues to live under a neem tree and often spend time in the jungle. He then moved to old and dilapidated masjid and lived solitary life, surviving by begging for alms. Some of the devotees believed that the ash have the healing powers and protect them from dangerous situation.
Shirdi Sai Baba Answers & Questions
He participated in various religious festivals and also in the habit of preparing food and distributed to his visitors, as Prasad. After , Sai Baba fame spread all over India and numerous people started visiting him, because they regarded him as Saint for his super powers. Sai Baba took Mahasamadhi on October 15, at 2. His soul left the body on the lap of his devotees. He also enjoyed listening to moulu and qawwali accompanied with the tabla and sarangi twice daily. Sai Baba opposed all sort of procedure on religious and caste background. Although Sai Baba followed ascetic lifestyle, he urged his followers to lead normal life. He explained the meaning of the Hindu scriptures in the spirit of Advaita Vedanta. Sai Baba also understands the religious text from both religions. Another example his he combined both faiths and named his mosque as Dwarakamai.
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He believed that God penetrates everything and lives everywhere. SaiBaba also emphasized the importance of devotion to God — bhakti — and surrender to his will. He urged his devotees to have faith and devotion to the spiritual preceptor. Also, he urged all his devotees to overcome negative features of the characters and develop Good thoughts. Sai Baba left no books or written woks. His practices were oral and short sayings. He also urged not be greed and material attachment. Sai Baba asks money from the followers and shares them to needy peoples. Sai Baba encouraged the charity and importance of helping poor people. He said: Unless there is some relationship or connection, nobody goes anywhere. If any creature approaches you, do not discourteously drive them away, but receive them well and treat them with more respect. Shirdi Sai Baba always answers your prayers. Prayers with right emotion will be answered.
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Lord Sai Baba is believed to be super souls and very loving. Your prayers are answered if done with repentance, gratitude and faith. How can I get Sai Baba help? To get Shirdi Sai Baba Help, be peaceful and pray to him from the bottom of the heart. After it, think of Sai and enter the number between 1 and that strike in your mind, be spontaneous and do with faith. Sai Baba provides right answer for your problems. What Shirdi Sai Baba says? He says all religion teach us love and gratitude towards needy. Sai Baba followed worship methods of both Hindu and Muslims.
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Does Sai Baba do miracles? Yes, always believe in Miracles. Super souls like Sai Baba are always ready to assist you in tough times. Many have reported that Sai Baba has appeared in front of them and helped them to avoid all their problems. Sai Baba miracles:.
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Ask Baba a No. Shirdi Sai Baba Helps Always You can ask him for the solution to any of your problem and seek his guidance to proceed further. Shirdi SaiBaba gives the answer in crisp and clear terms, and to the point.. How it Works.. The Number should be between 1 to only The Answer comes up in the next page Millions Have benefited from this SaiBaba Miracle Baba has helped millions of people by answering their question in this web site. Your Desires are not your Problems Shirdi SaiBaba remains a popular saint and is worshipped mainly in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka and of course world over. Debate on his Hindu or Muslim origins continues to take place.
Baba Question And Answers
He is also revered by several notable Hindu and Sufi religious leaders. Some of his disciples received fame as spiritual figures and saints. Sri SaiBaba left his physical body in October 15, Shirdi Sai baba's Background Although SaiBaba's origins are unknown, some indications exist that suggest that he was born not far from Shirdi. Historical researches into genealogies in Shirdi give support to the theory that Baba could have been born with the name Haribhau Bhusari. SaiBaba was notorious for giving vague, misleading and contradictory replies to questions concerning his parentage and origins, brusquely stating the information was unimportant. He had reportedly stated to a close follower, Mhalsapati, that he has been born of Brahmin parents in the village of Pathri and had been entrusted into the care of a fakir in his infancy.
Sai Baba Question And Answer Askganesha
On another occasion, Baba reportedly said that the fakir's wife had left him in the care of a Hindu guru, Venkusa of Selu, and that he had stayed with Venkusa for twelve years as his disciple. This dichotomy has given rise to two major theories regarding SaiBaba's background, with the majority of writers supporting the Hindu background over the Islamic, while others combine both the theories that Sai Baba was first brought up by a fakir and then by a guru.
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SaiBaba reportedly arrived at the village of Shirdi in the Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, India, when he was about sixteen years old. Although there is no agreement among biographers about the date of this event, it is generally accepted that SaiBaba stayed in Shirdi for three years, disappeared for a year and returned permanently around , which posits a possible birthyear of The Sai Satcharita recounts the reaction of the villagers: "The people of the village were wonder-struck to see such a young lad practicing hard penance, not minding heat or cold. By day he associated with no one, by night he was afraid of nobody. After some time he left the village, and it is unknown where he stayed at that time or what happened to him.
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However, there are some indications that he met with many saints and fakirs, and worked as a weaver; he claimed to have fought with the army of Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi during the Indian Rebellion of After alighting near the Khandoba temple he was greeted with the words "Ya Sai" welcome saint by the temple priest Mhalsapati. The name Sai stuck to him and some time later he started being known as SaiBaba. It was around this time that Baba adopted his famous style of dress, consisting of a knee-length one-piece robe kafni and a cloth cap. Ramgir Bua, a devotee, testified that SaiBaba was dressed like an athlete and sported 'long hair flowing down to his buttocks' when he arrived in Shirdi, and that he never had his head shaved.
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It was only after SaiBaba forfeited a wrestling match with one Mohdin Tamboli did he take the kafni and cloth cap, articles of typically Sufi clothing. This attire contributed to SaiBaba's identification as a Muslim fakir, and was a reason for initial indifference and hostility against him in a predominantly Hindu village. According to B. Narasimhaswami, a posthumous follower who was widely praised as Sai Baba's "apostle", recorded that this attitude was prevalent even among some of his devotees in Shirdi even up to For four to five years SaiBaba lived under a neem tree, and often wandered for long periods in the jungle in and around Shirdi. His manner was said to be withdrawn and uncommunicative as he undertook long periods of meditation. He was eventually persuaded to take up residence in an old and dilapidated masjid and lived a solitary life there, surviving by begging for alms and receiving itinerant Hindu or Muslim visitors.
Sai Baba Answers | Ask Sai Baba | Sai Baba Questions And Answers
In the mosque he maintained a sacred fire which is referred to as a dhuni, from which he had the custom of giving sacred ash 'Udhi' to his guests before they left and which was believed to have healing powers and protection from dangerous situations. At first he performed the function of a local hakim and treated the sick by application of Udhi. SaiBaba also delivered spiritual teachings to his visitors, recommending the reading of sacred Hindu texts along with the Qur'an, especially insisting on the indispensability of the unbroken remembrance of God's name dhikr, japa. He often expressed himself in a cryptic manner with the use of parables, symbols and allegories. He participated in religious festivals and was also in the habit of preparing food for his visitors, which he distributed to them as prasad.
Shirdi Sai Baba Answers For Your Questions | Ask Sai Baba
SaiBaba's entertainment was dancing and singing religious songs he enjoyed the songs of Kabir most. His behaviour was sometimes uncouth and violent. After SaiBaba's fame began to spread in Mumbai. Numerous people started visiting him, because they regarded him as a saint or even an avatar with the power of performing miracles. Sai Baba took Mahasamadhi on October 15, at 2. He died on the lap of one of his devotees with hardly any belongings, and was buried in the "Buty Wada" according to his wish. Later a mandir was built there known as the "Samadhi Mandir". Ask a Question to SaiBaba Teachings and practices of Shirdi Saibaba In his personal practice, SaiBaba observed worship procedures belonging to Hinduism and Islam; he shunned any kind of regular rituals but allowed the practice of namaz, chanting of Al-Fatiha, and Qur'an readings at Muslim festival times.
Shirdi Sai Baba Speaks From Dwarakamai Saibaba Answers
Occasionally reciting the Al-Fatiha himself, SaiBaba also enjoyed listening to moulu and qawwali accompanied with the tabla and sarangi twice daily. He also wore clothing reminiscent of a Sufi fakir. SaiBaba also opposed all sorts of persecutions on religious or caste background. In India at the times when he lived religious intolerance and conflicts were common. SaiBaba of Shirdi was also an opponent of religious orthodoxy - both Hindu and Muslim. Although SaiBaba himself led the life of an ascetic, he advised his followers to lead an ordinary family life.
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SaiBaba encouraged his devotees to pray, chant God's name and read holy scriptures - he told Muslims to study the Qur'an and Hindus texts like the Ramayana, Vishnu Sahasranam, Bhagavad Gita and commentaries to it , Yoga Vasistha. He advised his devotees and followers to lead a moral life, help others, treat them with love and develop two important features of character: faith Shraddha and patience Saburi. He also criticized atheism. In his teachings SaiBaba emphasised the importance of performing one's duties without attachment to earthly matters and being ever content regardless of the situation. SaiBaba also interpreted the religious texts of both faiths.
Shirdi Sai Baba - 5 Spiritual Practices To Connect To Him | SHIVALOKA
According to what the people who stayed with him said and wrote he had a profound knowledge of them. He explained the meaning of the Hindu scriptures in the spirit of Advaita Vedanta. This was the character of his philosophy. It also had numerous elements of bhakti. Another example of the way he combined both faiths is the Hindu name he gave to his mosque, Dwarakamai. SaiBaba said that God penetrates everything and lives in every being, and as well that God is the essence of each of them. He emphasised the complete oneness of God which was very close to the Islamic tawhid and the Hindu doctrine, e. SaiBaba said that the world and all that the human may give is transient and only God and his gifts are eternal.
Sunday, July 4, 2021
Sai Baba Question And Answer Askganesha
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