[DOWNLOAD] Hard Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers
The easiest way to play is to divide your group into groups of three or more players. Nominate one to ask a question. The caller can either take turns asking the Christmas trivia quiz question or team to answer a question or ask a question and let...
[FREE] Hard Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers | latest
Eggnog 2. Stollen is the traditional fruit cake of which country? Germany 3. What name is given to small sausages wrapped in bacon, a staple at a British Christmas dinner? Answer: Pigs in blankets 4. The red and white costume of Father Christmas was...
45 Christmas Quiz Questions And Answers On TV, Film, Literature, Music, History And Celebrities
Answer: Charles Dickens How many ghosts are there in A Christmas Carol? Answer: Four What was the name of the animated Christmas movie featuring Tom Hanks? Answer: The Polar Express Answer: Mulled wine Which type of sweet bread loaf, which originated in Milan, is traditionally eaten at Christmas in Italy and many other European countries? Answer: Panettone a type of sweet bread Which Christmas food is it considered good luck to eat one of on each of the 12 days of Christmas? Answer: Mince Pies As the clock chimes midnight to ring in the New Year, a Spanish tradition involves eating twelve of what — one for each chime?
Christmas Movie Trivia
Answer: Grapes Who invented electric Christmas lights? Answer: Thomas Edison in The legend of Santa Claus is associated with which saint or monk? Answer: Saint Nicholas Which was the last US state to declare an official holiday for Christmas? Answer: Oklahoma Which was the first country to issue a Christmas postage stamp? Answer: Canada When was Christmas declared as a federal holiday in the United States? Answer: Which country has a tradition of a witch dropping gifts for children through the chimney at Christmas? Answer: Italy What is Santa Claus called in France?
This Very Difficult Christmas Quiz Is The Perfect Way To Test Your Family And Friends' Knowledge
Which country is the largest exporter of Christmas trees? Answer: Theodore Roosevelt How many days do we have between Christmas and the Epiphany? Answer: Twelve Which country follows the tradition to light candles on the graves of relatives on Christmas Eve? Answer: Finland Where did the Nativity take place? Answer: Bethlehem Answer: Silver Which type of tree was the partridge sitting in, according to a well-known Christmas song? Answer: Pear When was the first Christmas card sent? Who designed it? Answer: The first Christmas card was sent in and was designed by John Horsley. Canada, The U. Answer: Boxing Day Answer: Feliz Navidad Similar to tinsel, these long strips of shiny foil are used to decorate a Christmas tree. What are they called? Answer: Icicles What are two other names for Santa Claus? Answer: Saint Nick and Kris Kringle Answer: False Answer: The Netherlands Who created Rudolph, the most popular reindeer of Santa Claus?
Medium Difficulty Christmas Trivia
Answer: Robert L. May created Rudolph in when he wrote a Christmas-themed story-poem to attract customers in his department store. Answer: Nine Who once stole Christmas? Which country was the first to use the tradition of Christmas trees? Answer: Germany
90 Best Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers You Should Know
Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers January 10, by laffgaff Relax and celebrate Christmas this holiday season with our fun Christmas trivia questions and answers. These entertaining questions, covering many topics but all related to Christmas, will be a great test of your knowledge of Christmas trivia. So get your family and friends together and see who can answer the most questions. Who will be the king or queen of Christmas trivia? Christmas Trivia Questions How well will you do on our fun Christmas trivia quiz?
Find out now! According to the Christmas song, what did my true love give to me on the seventh day of Christmas? Show answer Seven Swans A-Swimming. Which colorful and much sung-about Christmas character was invented by American ad writer Robert L. May in ? Show answer Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. What is the date of St. Show answer 5. Which country is Eggnog said to have originated from? Show answer 6. Which popular Christmas song was composed by James Pierpont in ? Show answer Jingle Bells. Show answer 8. What is the name of the Dr Seuss character who steals Christmas? Show answer The Grinch. According to legend, London sweet shop owner Tom Smith was poking a fire when he got the inspiration to invent which traditional Christmas item?
Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers
Show answer The Christmas cracker. In which European country was the original St. Nicholas born? Show answer Name them. What color are the berries of the mistletoe plant? Which English leader banned the singing of Christmas songs? What did the other reindeers not let Rudolph do because of his red nose? Show answer Join in any reindeer games. Show answer The evening of the 5th of January. Whose eyes were made of coal? Jimmy Boyd sang which hit Christmas song at 12 years of age? Show answer Capricorn. Show answer Jacob Marley. According to the song, what did my true love give to me on the fourth day of Christmas? Show answer Four calling birds. Which movie was the first to be made in Vista Vision? Which U. Show answer New York. What gift did the Little Drummer Boy give to the new-born Christ? Show answer He played a song for him on his drum. Show answer Jim Carrey. According to popular legend, which drinks company is responsible for Father Christmas dressing in a red and white suit? Show answer Coca Cola.
Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers
Which Christmas card company adopted their current brand name in , deriving the name from a symbol used by goldsmiths in London? True of false: The first artificial Christmas trees were made from goose feathers? Show answer Boxing Day. More Christmas Fun We hope you enjoyed our fun Christmas trivia questions and got all the answers right. If you did, give yourself a pat on the back and congratulate yourself on your fantastic knowledge of all things related to Christmas traditions. If not, never mind. Some of the questions were quite tough and not many people know all the answers. However well you did, be sure to take a look at our other pages of Christmas fun, such as these:.
Hard Christmas Trivia
Answer: Another successful Halloween has passed. Jack Skellington is the Pumpkin King. He rules Halloween town and everyone says he is the most frightening thing in it. But he thinks Halloween is boring and wants to do something new for a change. Everyone is happy because another Halloween has just passed and they've successfully scared everyone. From Quiz: Nightmare Before Christmas click to play it. Question by author caligirl He sings "I, Jack the Pumpkin king" in his first song of the movie. Question by author -Skellington-. Which door was it? Answer: Halloween town The door to Halloween town was a very interesting-looking pumpkin. Once through this door, the fantastic song "This is Halloween" played. Question by author Zoster No animal now man, can scream like I can, with the fury of my recitations. Jack is telling the audience about how he is sick of being the best at Halloween scaring, and wants to do something else. The quote basically is part of his description about how good he is at his job.
70 Christmas Trivia Questions For Kids
Question by author anastasia k. Finklestien gave what to his second creation like Sally? Question by author Bloom-girl. Question by author Blacklabl Answer: Jack Interestingly enough, Danny Elfman not only composed the musical score for the movie but also provided Jack's singing voice. If you listen closely, you can hear traces of Oingo Boingo and their historical 80's music career. Question by author MikeSinkovich.
General Christmas Trivia Quiz - Difficult!
Answer: He wanders there by mistake. Jack escapes from a mob of adoring fans and sings a soliloquy about how he is tired of Halloween. One of the lines is "I, Jack, the Pumpkin King, have grown so tired of the same old thing". Jack starts wandering with his dog, Zero, and finds a clearing full of trees. Each tree leads to a different holiday world.
100 Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers
Jack opens the one with the Christmas tree because he hears music coming from it. Then he gets sucked in. Answer: One of his ribs He takes off his rib to play fetch with his dog. His jaw later falls off after his sleigh crashes to the ground and his dog brings it back to him. There was smoke and fire. Sally is the only one who realises how much of a disaster Christmas is going to be. She has previously had a vision of a Christmas tree going up in flames. She finds Jack handing out various presents for the people of Halloween town. She tells Jack that she has envisioned his Christmas going up in flames, and that it will be a complete disaster. Jack shakes her off, saying that everything will be fine. Answer: he's only an elected official "I can't do this on my own!
Christmas Quiz Questions And Answers
I'm only an elected official! Answer: Deadly Night Shade Frog's Breath was used to cover up the smell of the Deadly Night Shade and, although lavendar does help you sleep, it doesn't work too well in Halloween Town. Answer: Lock, Shock and Barrel We know this because when Jack calls them to catch Oogie Boogie they each take off their masks when saying their name. They are Oogie Boogie's little henchmen. Answer: Dr. Finkelstein Dr. Finkelstein got very annoyed when Sally kept sneaking out, so he created himself a girlfriend who would listen to him. Her name was not known, but I called her Bullfrog. Finkelstein is the man who made Sally out of bone and cloth, just so he would have some company.
+ Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers | Quiz By Triviawell
Gotta love Kevin Smith! Answer: He's trying to figure out how to recreate the feeling of Christmas. Jack comes back from Christmas town and tries to figure out how to recreate the feeling from it. He performs a lot of experiments but still can't figure out why Christmas gives him the special feeling. The townspeople start singing a song called "Jack's Obsession" because they can't figure out what's wrong with Jack. Jack soon finds out that he should try to recreate Christmas in Halloween town. The line that he sings is as follows "What's this in here? They've got a tree. How queer! Jack thinks this is queer because he has never seen this kind of celebration before. I am a genius. Answer: Making Christmas This is scene where they are preparing presents for the children for Christmas. The character in question is the red and black one, with a head that seems to be unattached at the jaw.
15 Most Difficult Christmas Movie Trivia Questions (& The Answers)
He is making a hat from a rat. Jack has given them all toys to improve. They practically mutilate the toys, creating monsters such as a doll vampire, and a killer duck, etc. Why or why not? Answer: Yes; he convinces them it will be scary and they like it. Everyone goes along with Jack's idea. It is because he proposes it at a town meeting and everyone misunderstands. They think it is supposed to be scary like Halloween. Jack knows that they don't understand but can't think of another way to get them all in on the plan. Then Jack starts assigning everyone jobs.
The Christmas Story Trivia Questions & Answers : Gospel Mixture
Though Daylight Savings Time insists that we fall back in November, many are instead looking ahead to what most consider to be the most wonderful time of the year. Test your own knowledge and the knowledge of your friends and family members at Christmas parties! Updated December 17th, to include even more fun trivia before the holiday! Everyone remembers the creepy neighbor from Home Alone. Before the McAllister family even leaves for France forgetting Kevin in the process and kicking off the events of the film , we see the unsettling neighbor outside. After that, even, the neighbor saves Kevin from dying at the hands of the Wet Bandits. And the name of this neighbor? Disney has some truly wonderful Christmas content for all of us to consume. The film Krampus came at just the right time. The horror renaissance is in full swing, and audiences are in the market for a good Christmas horror film now more than ever.
200+ Christmas Trivia Quiz Questions Answers
A Christmas classic written, directed, and produced by Nancy Meyers, The Holiday from features Iris Simpkins, played by Kate Winslet, and Amanda Woods, played by Cameron Diaz, swap houses to spend a holiday separate from their difficult lives. Iris Simpkins has a pretty cool job, though, as a wedding and society columnist for the real British newspaper The Daily Telegraph. Every Christmas day, many families keep the television on the all-day televised marathon of A Christmas Story. The movie is timeless, still hilarious even after all these years, but even better, the story is told in a series of almost vignettes, which makes it the perfect movie to come in and out of, or just pay casual attention to during your Christmas party.
105+ Christmas Trivia Questions With Answers [Religious]
In the movie, George makes Mary a promise, and what does he promise to her? He promises her the moon. What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. That's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon, Mary. James Cann, best known for being the dad from Elf, has a hard time connecting with him since they have such fundamental differences.
Difficult Christmas Trivia | Christmas Trivia
The biggest difference, of course, is that James Cann is on the naughty list. Love, Buddy. There are, some say, two answers to this question. Some people think Tom Hanks only plays one character — maybe they recognize him as the Conductor, or maybe as the Narrator. There are two characters right there. However, these people are missing one crucial detail. This brings him to seven total characters. As the American Film Institute, it is sort of their job. They keep running lists, too, of specific best-ofs, including a list of the Top Movie Villains. The first five people on this list have little to do with Christmas: Dr. From there, the list takes a sharp right turn: 6 on this list is Mr. What are the odds? Not to be too controversial, but Die Hard ought to be considered a Christmas movie. Life is short, language is made up, and any labels we give to anything are arbitrary in the end, so everyone may as well let people enjoy silly things like action movies on Christmas.
40 Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers – Medicoguia.com
John McClane feels strongly about getting to celebrate the holidays, too, because he decides to invoke the spirit of the season when he writes a message to villain Hans Gruber on the sweater of his dead henchman. When nostalgia comes in and time is no object, movies like White Christmas are some of the most enjoyable films that can be watched near the holidays. They remind many of a simpler time. That honor goes to the earlier film Holiday Inn. While Frosty the Snowman is now aired simply as a special episode of television, when it was first released in , it was considered a television movie.
The BIG Christmas Day Quiz: Try These 100 Question And Answers With Your Family And Friends Today
That actor was Jimmy Durante, who plays the Narrator. All of the movies in the Vacation franchise tend to be looked back on through a haze of comedic nostalgia, but Christmas Vacation holds up not only as a hilarious movie but also a heartwarming one. As it turns out, their names are Todd and Margo Chester, and they have one of the best parts in the movie if you want to remember their names. And so, we ask the final question: What is the name of the saber-toothed tiger sidekick to the famous or infamous Turbo Man? The answer: Booster!
Nightmare Before Christmas Trivia Questions & Answers : Movies L-P
Christmas is celebrated on 25th December every year. Christmas Day is a public holiday in many countries especially in America, Canada, Australia and in European countries. It is a religious event and mostly celebrated by Christians. Different people celebrate this festival in different ways. Gift giving, Christmas music, Lighting a Christingle, Christmas trees, Christmas lights, Santa Claus are some popular and common things through which Christmas festival associated. In fact, there are too many histories associated with this festival. We covered some Christmas history questions and some different cultures associated with Christmas in this post. Trivia questions on Christmas 1. The day of Christmas is a source of what? Show Answer The Christmas day is the source of happiness and joy for the people. Christmas is a festival of which religion? Show Answer It is the festival of Christianity. The people give gifts to each other on which day?
Show Answer The people celebrate Christmas together and they give each other gifts on Christmas. How people enjoy Christmas with each other? Show Answer The people enjoy the day of Christmas while spending time with each other and by giving gifts to everyone. Is the Christmas is celebrated in any other religion? Show Answer No, it is only in Christianity, however, some people from other religion celebrate it for fun and enjoyment 6. Who was the hero of the super hit Christmas movie which name is Jingle All the Way?
70 Christmas Trivia Questions For Kids | EverythingMom
Show Answer Arnold Schwarzenegger 7. Who tried to stop the day of Christmas to come by stealing all the useful things of Christmas? Show Answer 8. White Christmas is a famous movie and who is the star of this movie? Show Answer Bing Crosby 9. What is the real name of the key character Scrooge from the novel A Christmas Carol? Show Answer A Christmas Carol is a novel and who was the author of this novel? In A Christmas Carol, how many ghosts were present?
25 Christmas Pub Quiz Questions 2021: Festive Trivia To Ask In Your Online Xmas Quiz - Plus Answers
Show Answer Four What is the name of the movie that featured Tom Hanks which is an animated movie? Show Answer The Polar Express The movie Tom hanks is a Christmas movie and it is in the category of which movies? In the A Christmas Carol movie who has done the major role? Show Answer The ghosts. In Christmas holidays which milk-based food is available, that has both alcoholic and non-alcoholic nature? The traditions fruit cake Stollen is the speciality of which country? Show Answer Germany In a British Christmas dinner which name is given to small and tiny sausages which are wrapped in bacon? Show Answer Pigs in the blankets The costume of Father Christmas which is in red and white color was supposedly first presented by which drinks producer? In which direction it is good to stir mincemeat for good luck i. In Christmas, the people of Germany enjoy which thing happily in food? Show Answer The fruit cake is enjoyed by many people in Germany and it is also a specialty in Germany.
25 Best Christmas Trivia Questions To Impress Your Family This Holiday
The fruit cake which is considered as favourite cake has a good taste due to which ingredient? Show Answer The people love the taste of fruit cake due to the fruit and caramel source specially made with delicious fruits. For the making of the traditional recipe of bread sauce, what would the people stick into an onion? A swede is a made for which two vegetables? Show Answer A turnip and a cabbage What is a female turkey which is used in Christmas food is called? In Christmas pudding which tradition spirit is added in the butter? The people of the world love which delicious food Christmas?
Christmas Trivia Questions
Show Answer The people love pan cakes, vegetable rice, and sausages at Usually, the people give which type of gifts to their family members at Christmas? Show Answer The people give mostly chocolates, photo albums, watches, candies, greeting cards and sweets to their family members. How the people all across the world enjoy the day of Christmas and what they will do in the Christmas holidays? Show Answer The people meet with each other and visit the home of their loved ones, they enjoy delicious food and in the Christmas holidays they visit beautiful places and spend the quality time with their favorite people.
39 Fun Free Christmas Trivia Questions & Answers! | LaffGaff
When was the first card of the Christmas sent and who designed the card? Show Answer The first card of Christmas was sent in and the person was designed the card is John Horsley. John Horsley designed the card of the Christmas for which reason? Show Answer To spread love and happiness among the people during Christmas. The U. K, Canada, USA, Germany, and other Commonwealth countries celebrate the day after the festival of Christmas officially as what holiday? Show Answer Feliz Navidad The long strips of shiny foil which is similar to tinsel are used for what purpose and what are they called? Show Answer These long strips of shiny foil are usually used to beautify the Christmas tree and these are called Icicles What is the main reason that the people decorate the Christmas tree? Show Answer The main reason that mostly the people decorate the Christmas tree is that they want to beautify their homes and to feel the real happiness of Christmas.
30 Christmas Bible Trivia Questions To Quiz Your Family
For Santa Claus, what are two other names used? Which country has the famous tradition of filling the clogs of the children with candies and treats on 5 of the December? Who shaped Rudolph, the most famous reindeer of Santa Claus? When Rudolph shaped Rudolph, the most famous reindeer of Santa Claus? Show Answer Rudolph made Rudolph in when he wrote a story-poem that has the Christmas-themed story poem to attract clients of his department store. Who once stole the event of Christmas? Which is the first country who used the famous tradition of the Christmas trees? Germany has used the tradition of the Christmas tree for which main reason?
90 Best Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers You Should Know
Show Answer The tradition of the Christmas tree used by Germany is to know the value and importance of Christmas and to give happiness to everyone. What were the things that were decorated in the first Christmas tree? Show Answer The things that were decorated in the first Christmas tree were candies, electric Christmas lights, shinning strips, and glittery balls.
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Hard Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers
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Hard Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers
[DOWNLOAD] Hard Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers The easiest way to play is to divide your group into groups of three or more players...
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