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A few months before the family moved to 'Out-With', 'the Fury' had come for dinner. Afterwards, Bruno's parents had an argument. What was it about? Mischievous, Bruno decides to sneak out the back, in an out of bounds area, to go exploring. After...
[DOWNLOAD] The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Book Questions And Answers
What popular book is it? Later on the Commandant decides to allow his wife, Bruno and Gretel to move back to Berlin. Bruno debates it, saying that he likes this place now, but he wants to see Shmuel again. Shmuel devises a plan to give Bruno some...
Rollercoasters: The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas Reading Guide
Page 4 of 4 Discussion Questions 1. Discuss the relationship between Bruno and Gretel. Why does Bruno seem younger than nine? In a traditional fable, characters are usually one-sided. How might Bruno and Gretel be considered one-dimensional? Why do you think she is not a member, especially since her father is a high-ranking officer in Hitler's army? What is it about the house at Out-With that makes Bruno feel "cold and unsafe"? How is this feeling perpetuated as he encounters people like Pavel, Maria, Lt. Kotler, and Shmuel? Describe his reaction when he first sees the people in the striped pajamas. What does Gretel mean when she says, "Something about the way [Bruno] was watching made her feel suddenly nervous"?
Boy In Striped Pyjamas Essay Questions
Bruno asks his father about the people outside their house at Auschwitz. His father answers, "They're not people at all Bruno. How does his father's statement make Bruno more curious about Out-With? Explain what Bruno's mother means when she says, "We don't have the luxury of thinking. Debate whether she is unhappy being away from Berlin, or whether she is angry about her husband's position. How does Bruno's grandmother react to her son's military role? When Bruno and his family board the train for Auschwitz, he notices an over-crowded train headed in the same direction. How does he later make the connection between Shmuel and that train? How are both trains symbolic of each boy's final journey? Bruno issues a protest about leaving Berlin. His father responds, "Do you think that I would have made such a success of my life if I hadn't learned when to argue and when to keep my mouth shut and follow orders?
The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas Answer Key
A pun is most often seen as humorous. But, in this novel the narrator uses dark or solemn puns like Out-With and Fury to convey certain meanings. Bruno is simply mispronouncing the real words, but the author is clearly asking the reader to consider a double meaning to these words. Discuss the use of this wordplay as a literary device. What is the narrator trying to convey to the reader? How do these words further communicate the horror of the situation? When Bruno dresses in the filthy striped pajamas, he remembers something his grandmother once said. What about his father? What does this statement contribute to the overall meaning of the story?
All About Adolescent Literacy
Discuss the moral or message of the novel. What new insights and understandings does John Boyne want the reader to gain from reading this story? Discuss the differences in a fable, an allegory, and a proverb. How might this story fit into each genre? Questions issued by publisher.
Comprehension Questions Ch 1-5: The Boy In The Striped Pajamas
Read Ch in the book. Answer comprehension question in complete sentences. Ch Comprehension Questions 1. How would you summarize Bruno's life in Berlin? What can you infer about Bruno's father from information in Ch 1? Why do you think Bruno has difficulties understanding what his father does at work? Ch 2: 1. The new house makes Bruno feel "empty and cold". Why do you think Bruno feels this way? Bruno's mother says, "We don't have the luxury of thinking" p 13 and "Some people make all the decisions for us" p What does mother mean by this?
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What can you infer from Maria's comment that the soldiers "have serious jobs Ch 3: 1. How does Gretel explain the name "Out-with"? What is Out-with really? Ch 4: 1 Continuing from Chapter 3 How would you explain Bruno and Gretel's reactions to the children seen from Bruno's bedroom window? Describe the landscape seen from the window? Prediction- Who are hte people that live near Bruno's house? Ch 5: 1. Prediction- Who is the Fury? How do you explain Mother's reaction to Maria overhearing the comment, "We should never let the Fury come to dinner" p 40? What can you infer from the descriptions of the two trains in Ch 5? What does the scene with father and the group of five men imply? What does Father and Bruno's conversation tell you about Father?
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Quiz
See all 36 answers Angela It depends on the child. Some 13 year olds might not be mature enough for it, but I just read this book with my newly 12 year old after coming across …more It depends on the child. Some 13 year olds might not be mature enough for it, but I just read this book with my newly 12 year old after coming across it in the YA section of the library. He is an advanced reader and very mature for his age but instead of just handing it to him, we read it together so that we could have discussions along the way.
The Boy In Striped Pyjamas
He is a 6th grader and familiar with the Holocaust - not all the details, but he understands the 'big picture'. This book gave him a little bit deeper understanding and more to think about which I appreciate. The story is told from the perspective of Bruno, a 9 year old German boy, so it alluded to the sufferings he saw, but it never goes into detail because Bruno doesn't understand exactly what he is seeing. He just knows that he enjoys the friend he has made from behind the barbed wire fence. Along the way he learns he is Jewish and that they are being kept 'separated' but he doesn't understand why.
Boy In The Striped Pajamas Movie Questions
When the Author was asked if the book was written for children or adults, he says he didn't write it for one or the other - he just wrote a book. He doesn't put it into a 'category', but the Publishers have put into the YA category. I found that interesting because it doesn't fit neatly into any category. The movie version follows the book very closely, but it is much more disturbing as it shows physical violence. Again, the book only alludes to the violence and injustices, but it never shows them. I recommend the book for most Middle School aged kids, and if a parent reads with, them, all the better.
Boy In The Striped Pajamas Test
Page numbers from the hardback copy are provided to help you identify evidence from the story, but not all questions rely on the words on the page. The best questions are the ones you ask to satisfy your own curiosity. For now, here are a few of my own to get you started. Why is it important to not pass judgments based on appearances? How could this be symbolic? How else do you know Bruno is young? What is the tone of chapter four? What occurs in the chapter to set the tone? How does Bruno feel about the trains? Who rescues him? What could this symbolize? How is this occupation meaningful to the story? Why is this important? How do you know? How does he change from the beginning of the story to this point? What does Shmuel want to do when he grows up? Why is his statement ironic? Why is this news shocking to Father? Why does Bruno want Shmuel to crawl under the fence? How is her jest ironic? How did he get there?
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas
Why is this significant? How does Shmuel show he forgives his friend? What did Bruno discover instead? These tasks are designed to help you grasp the big picture about this novel and figure out exactly what the author is trying to teach you about people and events in history. Make sure to include information from the three categories of sources in the novel: the events, characters, and conflicts. As you recall information for each theme, organize your information.
The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas Short Answer Test - Answer Key
Background[ edit ] Boyne has described the conception of his novel as an idea popping into his head of "two boys, the mirror of each other, sitting either side of a wire fence. Boyne has stated that his style and writing process has been influenced by Malcolm Bradbury at the University of East Anglia, who suggested he write every day without rest days. Afterwards, he ended up writing ten different drafts before sending his book to the editor. As for the subject material and research that Boyne undertook to write the book, Professor Gern Bayer from the University of Erlangen has stated that Boyne relied on "well-known facts" to create his narrative.
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Questions And Answers
He lives with his parents, his year-old sister Gretel, whom he describes as 'A Hopeless Case,' and maids, one of whom is named Maria. After a visit by Adolf Hitler , The Fuhrer which Bruno commonly mispronounces as "Fury" , Bruno's father, Ralf, is promoted to Commandant , and the family has to move to Auschwitz which Bruno mispronounced as "Out-With" , the biggest concentration camp in history, on the orders of "The Fury". One day, Bruno decides to explore the wire fence surrounding the camp. As he walks along the fence, he meets a Jewish boy named Shmuel, who he learns shares his birthday and age. Shmuel says that his father, grandfather, and brother are with him on his side of the fence, but he is separated from his mother. Bruno and Shmuel talk and become very good friends, although Bruno still does not understand very much about Shmuel and his side of the fence.
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas -Plot Diagram Storyboard
Nearly every day, unless it is raining, Bruno goes to see Shmuel and sneaks him food. Over the time Bruno visits Shmuel, Shmuel gets more and more skinny. Bruno concocts a plan with Shmuel to sneak into the camp to look for Shmuel's father, as Shmuel says to Bruno that his father has disappeared. Shmuel brings a set of prison clothes which look to Bruno like striped pyjamas , and Bruno leaves his own clothes outside the fence. As they search the camp, both children are rounded up along with a group of prisoners on a "march". They are led into a gas chamber, which Bruno assumes is simply a shelter from the outside rainstorm. In the gas chamber , Bruno apologizes to Shmuel for not finding his father and tells Shmuel that he is his best friend for life, though it is not made clear if Shmuel answers him before the doors close and the lights go out, though Bruno determines to never let go of Shmuel's hand.
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Quizzes | GradeSaver
Bruno is never seen again, with his clothes discovered by a soldier days later. His mother, Elsa, spends months afterwards searching for him, even returning to their old home, before at last moving to Berlin with Gretel, who isolates herself in her room. Ralf spends a year more at Auschwitz, becoming ruthless and coldhearted towards his subordinates. A year later, he returns to the place where Bruno's clothes were found and pieces together how his son disappeared and died, collapsing in grief.
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Chapter 10 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
Months later, Allied Troops storm the camp and Ralf, wracked with guilt, allows himself to be taken prisoner. The book ends with the phrase; "Of course, all of this happened a long time ago and nothing like that could ever happen again. Not in this day and age. David Russell, writer for The Lion and the Unicorn , has stated that human decency is an ideal that must be upheld, with Holocaust literature like Boy in the Striped Pyjamas being used as a "cautionary tale" and must be written in a didactic manner. Scott , writing in The New York Times , questioned the author and publisher's choice to intentionally keep the Holocaust setting of the book vague in both the dust jacket summary and the early portion of the novel. He writes that "the rabbi found implausible Shmuel's very existence in the camp," but states that "Blech is factually incorrect.
Tom's English Blog: The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas Chapter 5 Questions
They live in a big 5-floor house in Berlin with a maid and a cook working for them 2. She was standing She was twisting her hands together nervously as if there was something she did not want to have to say or something she did not want to have to believe 4. He does not want to leave because he does not want to say goodbye to his friends Karl, Daniel and Martin. Bruno will also miss the wooden sliding banister in his house because it is real fun to slide down 6. The house was enormous, and even though Bruno had lived in there for nine years he was still able to find nooks and crannies that he had not fully finished exploring yet 2. It was located in the middle of nowhere 3. The boy thinks that his father should think twice about his job if it makes him move away from his friends and his house with the sliding banister 4. He looked very serious with his cap secured tightly on his head.
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Chapter Questions
His hair was very blonde and almost unnatural shade of yellow. She is blonde and very bossy and has always shown she is in charge. She had some nasty habits, as was to be expected from sisters she spent far too long in the bathroom in the morning and did not seem to mind if Bruno was left outside desperate to go in. She had a large collection of dolls in her room and some unpleasant friends who would tease Bruno 2. The girl looks down on her brother but Bruno is used to this fact 3. She thinks this is the countryside, where all the farmers are and the animals, and where all the food is grown to feed people in the big cities like Berlin. This is what she has learnt at school in the Geography class. She also guesses this could be their holiday home 3.
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Quiz 1
Some stood perfectly still in groups, their hands by their sides, trying to keep their heads up, as soldiers marched in front of them their mouths opening and closing quickly as if they were shouting something at them. Some other men pushed wheelbarrows from one place to another sometimes disappearing behind the hut. Others stood near the huts staring at the ground. Some were in crutches, others had bandages around their heads. Some others carried spades and were led by groups of soldiers somewhere Bruno and Gretel could not see. There were hundreds of people and very many huts and the camp spread out so much further than they could possibly see. She was not happy, when leaving their house she shook her head and said that they should not have let the Fury go to dinner.
The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas Test
These words were not understood by Bruno but he saw she was crying 2. He is busy with his work in the camp and does not meet his family for days since they arrived at their new house. Although he is not the type of man who would give anyone a hug, he is kind to Bruno and talks to him rather patiently explaining him why they cannot go back to Berlin. When talking about the people Bruno can see from his window father says they are not people.
The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas - Wikipedia
Bruno wants to convince his father that life is better in Belin and that they should go back 4. The real thing is they are living in a concentration camp, his father has been appointed by Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer, as the one in charge. He does not like the place at all. Bruno is bored to death and completely unhappy 2. She just did her job and did not express herself. She is aware she is only a servant and her opinion does not count. She is a thankful, respectful woman 3. He does not show much respect because his father has disappointed him, he feels his father has done wrong and should be called stupid. Explain this statement Bruno considers Maria a human being with feelings just like his.
The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas
Gretel considers she is just the maid so she is there to serve her. Bruno tells Gretel that Maria is not there to do the thing they can do by themselves. However, Gretel thinks he is mad and treats the maid rudely 5. Bruno wants to express his opinions freely. He does not like the life in the camp and thinks of everybody around as human beings. He is much what we expect from a Nazi commandant: strict, cold, businesslike and powerful. He was often seen walking up and down the street at all hours of the day or night having terrible arguments with himself. Sometimes in the middle of these arguments, the dispute would get out of hand and he would try to punch the shadow he was throwing up against the wall. From time to time he fought so hard that he banged his fists against brickwork and they bled and then he would fall onto his knees and start crying loudly and slapping his hands against his head.
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas | Guided Discussions | Books & Authors | Medicoguia.com
Sometimes he would use foul language. He would also invite a cat to tea 2. He uses some rope and a tyre to make a swing 3. The boy is not entirely sure of the reason why but he knows he does not like Lieutenant Kotler. There was an atmosphere around him that made Bruno feel cold. The boy knows Kotler wears far too much cologne and that he is quite arrogant. In fact he describes the lieutenant as annoying, self -centered and mean, plain nasty 4.
Boy In The Striped Pajamas Questions (book)?
Gretel laughs at every little joke Kotler makes while she is twirling her hair around her fingers into ringlets. She pays a lot of attention to him and engages in conversation with him as often as possible and shows that she has a crush on hi 5. Lieutenant Kotler despises and mistreats Pavel as if he was not a human being 7. Bruno feels uncomfortable and ashamed 8. He fell off the swing when the tyre sipped a little just as he kicked the tree for impulse. He landed face down on the ground with thud 9. It is Pavel who sees the accident and looks after him. Pavel cleaned the wound of blood and applied some green liquid on it. He also put some bandages on his injured leg. We learn that he is a doctor and before coming to the camp he practiced as a doctor Because he is aware of the fact that he is not considered a human being, he knows it is dangerous to establish any relationship with the boy or the family but merely serve them humbly and be at their orders.
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas
Pavel must be just a shadow Mother thanks Pavel for curing the boy but asks him not to tell the commandant. She is kind but afraid Explain Bruno is not aware of the fact that the men he sees from his window are prisoners, that they have taken to the camp just because they are Jewish and have been obliged to leave their houses, hometowns, countries, families, jobs behind. Grandfather had run a restaurant but as he was 73 he was already retired and did not cooked or waited on tables but spent most of his days there, talking to customers and laughing with friends.
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Questions And Answers | Q & A | GradeSaver
Grandmother was 62 but looked much younger, she had been a singer and had toured around the country. She had red hair and green eyes. She was always ready to play the piano and to sing. For every Christmas party or birthday grandma would write a play that Bruno, Gretel and she herself would perform for father, mother and grandpa. She would also made the costumes. She was not happy with the idea of father being appointed a commandant, and was not impressed by his new uniform. She does not like the Fury and does not to support Nazism. Father decided it was time for the children to return to their studies. Father and mother decided a tutor would come to the house every day and fill their mornings and afternoons with lessons 2.
Comprehension Questions Ch The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Tutorial | Sophia Learning
Herr Liszt was particularly fond of history and geography and considered reading and art useless 3. When Herr Liszt tells Bruno he would be teaching him about the great wrongs that have been done to him, Bruno is pleased thinking about being taken to the camp and remembers what he liked doing in his house in Berlin and he had not done since they were in Out-With: exploring 4. He begins wondering about the people wearing striped pyjamas and caps, it was as if they lived in another city. And he wondered why they were different from those people wearing the striped clothes. During his walk he did not see anyone close to the fence or found any doors to let him in. The huts, buildings and smoke stacks disappeared in the distance and the fence separated him from nothing but open space.
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When he began feeling a bit hungry and thought he had done enough exploration, he thought of turning back 3. He wore the striped pyjamas but was not wearing any shoes or socks and his feet were dirty. On his arm he wore an armband with a star on it. The boy had large sad caramel colour eyes and his skin was grey 4. Bruno thought he had never seen such a skinny or sad boy 5. Shmuel has quite a lot of friends because there are many boys his age that side of the fence, although they are not really close friends and they often fight. Bruno says Germany is the greatest of all countries, and once he says it he feels it is not the right thing and feels uncomfortable with his new friend.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Book Questions And Answers
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