Friday, April 23, 2021

Smartest Test Answers

  • [GET] Smartest Test Answers | latest

    As soon as you get your test back, add to or alter a few of your incorrect answers and tell your teacher that you think they made a mistake. Since this method requires you to wait until your test has already been scored, it may be best reserved as a...

  • [FREE] Smartest Test Answers

    Not your original work? Add source Kids. Some are smarter than others. But sometimes the kids that are considered the least smart and apt to be failing at school are actually the brightest of all. Take a look at this list compiled by Bored Panda to...

  • DMV Practice Tests

    There are also five major self-governing territories. With million people, it is the world's third or fourth largest country. The capital is Washington, D. The city with the largest population is New York City. Two states, are separated from the typical North America location, between Canada and Mexico. The other two states, are on the northwest corner of North America, and the other is in the mid-Pacific Ocean. Question 6 What is the capital of California? San Francisco Hollywood Sacramento The third largest state in the country, located on the west most area in the continental United States. The population gives it the 1st highest in the country. It was admitted into the union on September 9th, It is traditionally a democratic state, with twice as many democrats in the House than republicans.

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  • Funny Kid Test Awnsers

    It houses the most populated county in the country, Los Angeles County, and the largest by area, San Bernadino County. It's nickname is the Golden State. Question 7 How many countries are there in the world? There are the most countries in Africa, having 54 just in it's one continent. The country with the highest population is China, with a billion and a half people. The lowest population is in Holy See, with less than one thousand people. Japan is often claimed to be the oldest country in the world, having Emperor Jimmu established in BCE. His character was the brother in law of Danny Tanner, who moved into the house to help Danny raise his three girls, after his wife passed away. He later gets married in the show, to Rebecca Donaldson.

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  • 32 Hilarious Kids’ Test Answers That Are Too Brilliant To Be Wrong

    The two have twin sons, and name them Nicky and Alex. He is portrayed as being the irresponsible Uncle, but he finds a way to be a responsible adult when he needs to be. Question 9 Which subject in school focuses on the study of living things? Chemistry Biology Physical Education This is a natural science, the involves the study of life, and living organisms. This encompasses physical structure, chemical composition, function, development, and evolution. There are several concepts, and it is super complex, but it all comes together to be one field. Things you would learn about include cells, heredity, genes, evolution, energy, homeostasis. There are several sub-disciplines associated with this, based on which life, the types of organisms, and the method used to study these living things.

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    We could talk about physiology, ecology, evolutionary. Question 10 Who wrote "The Great Gatsby"? Scott Fitzgerald This book was first released in , and has been studied in your english class since then. It is a total classic book, with a ton of hidden literary elements. It follows the characters living in fictional towns of West and East Egg, which are meant to be on Long Island. It takes place in the summer of It focuses mostly on Jay Gatsby, and his complete obsession with Daisy Buchanan, for whom, he throws exciting parties, in hopes that she would show up. Question 11 Which artist painted this piece of work? Called The Starry Night, was done by a post-impressionist artist. It shows the view from the east-facing window, of his asylum room at Saint-Remy-de-Provence.

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  • 15 Of The Most Hilarious Homework Answers Given By Smart-ass Students

    This was supposed to be the scene from right before sunrise, with an idealized village added to it. The painting itself has been in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City since , and this is its permanent location. It is said to be one of the most recognized paintings in history. Question 12 Which actress starred in this movie? She plays Katherine, the assistant of a successful plastic surgeon. Danny wears a fake wedding ring, to pick up women. When he meets Palmer, things change, but she finds the ring and believes he is actually married. In a huge lie, he pretends Katherine is his wife that he is divorcing. When her kids get involved, and the group takes a family trip to Hawaii, things start to get confusing, and a little messy.

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  • If You Can Answer These Questions, You're In The Smartest 4 Per Cent Of The Population

    Question 13 What is the chemical symbol for Potassium? Kp Po K This element has atomic number It is a part of group one, making it an alkali metal. It has one electron in its valence shell, making is a strong oxidizer. This transfer would make it a cation, having a positive charge. This can be combined with anions, to form a salt. It was first isolated from potash, the ashes of plants that had been burned. It can also be found dissolved in sea water, and is a part of many different minerals. Question 14 What is the name of a triangle with sides that are all different lengths? Isosceles Triangle Equilateral Triangle Right Triangle This type of triangle, is one of three that is differentiated by the length of sides. With each side having a different length, the angles all have different measures as well. Like other triangles, all of the angles inside will add up to degrees, no matter how large or small the sides actually are in length.

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  • Mensa Workout Answers

    You can immediately recognize these triangles, by just looking at measurements, rather than a diagram. If all three side lengths, or angle measurement, are different, it is this. Question 15 What was the first Disney movie to be created? It was the first fully animated feature film to come from the production company, released in This movie coming out changed the way movies were done and changed the way family entertainment occurred. Since this very first movie, we see a consistent trend in the films coming from Disney Studios. The budget for this movie was just 1. Question

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  • Funniest Answers On Tests

    A lot. After a long, grueling day of school, most kids have negative levels motivation left to do even more work. It's definitely not encouraging to hear that it may not even make us any smarter. If you can't get your teacher to give you an A, you can try and eke out some points on a technicality. Or make them laugh. Here are the best answers that, at the very least, get points for creativity. I mean, same. Honesty in my son's homework from funny 2. He loved it before it was cool! A tiny piece of writing, all about the love of books and reading NationalWritingDay pic.

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  • QUIZ: If You Can Solve This Brain Puzzle Your IQ Is In The Top 1%

    Germany Poland Ludwig van Beethoven is likely the most famous composer of classical music. He was born in December of the year , and exhibited immense talent at a very young age. At the age of 20, Beethoven moved to Vienna in order to study music full time under the legendary Austrian composer Franz Joseph Haydn, who helped him to build a reputation as an extraordinary pianist. Beethoven lived in Vienna for nearly his entire adult life, but where was he born? Question 11 What is 14 x 16? How quickly can you come up with the answer to this multiplication question? No looking it up! Along with addition, division, and subtraction, multiplication is one of the four elementary operations of arithmetic.

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  • Tek Smartest Test 2021

    Most students memorize basic multiplication questions as part of mental math formulas in elementary school, but how well do you remember your elementary school days? What is the answer to the question 14 x 16? Hello, my name is Fred. Howre you? Hello my name, is Fred. How're you? Hello my name is Fred. How,re you? Grammar is the body of rules and guidelines which govern and structure a language.

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  • 10 Riddles Only The Smartest People Can Solve

    While grammar rules are often flaky and open to interpretation or wiggle room , it still remains a core part of most English Language Arts curriculums, and for good reason too, as it allows us, by convention, to establish and understand what phrases, sentences, and words mean. Without a collective understanding of grammar, it would be very difficult to communicate with one another through words.

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  • 30 Brilliant Test Answers From Smartass Kids

    Which of these phrases is correct? All of those hours and hours spent wearing out pencils and erasers between calloused fingers in English class? Well good news - those days are back! Here is another classic brain test challenge coming right at you: the word definition. All you need to do is tell us which of the four definitions listed below is the correct one. One of them matches the word above. Do you know what this somewhat uncommon word means? Poland Slovenia Croatia This city stands on the site of the formerly existing Roman city of Emona, which existed until the 6th century.

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  • How Smart Are You?

    Ljubljana is well known for its famous dragon imagery, including the centrally located Dragon Bridge, which spans the river. The dragon also features on the coat of arms and on top of the Ljubljana castle. Ljubljana has become a major tourist destination in recent years, despite its relatively small size and hosting a population of less than three hundred thousand. How recently have they been tested? Can you pull off this conversion from the US standard imperial system to the metric system used internationally? This might bring you back to the chalkboard days of math class: cramming formulas and memorizing tables. Depending on how far back that is, this question might be a piece of cake, or it could be grueling.

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  • 30+ Funny Test Answers That Put The ‘Smart’ In ‘Smartass’

    Do you know how many imperial inches are in a metric meter? Question 16 Whom owned this sweater? Who owned this sweater? Van Gogh Kadinsky Picasso Here is the next part of our art history challenge. This artist is one of the most famous painters in history. This Dutch painter was born in in Zundert, Netherlands. He is a post impressionist, and is most well known for his immense output in an incredibly short career, as well as his innovative brushwork which influenced generations of painters to come. It is well known that this painter did not attain monetary success in his own life time. Question 19 What Is 94 x 7? How quickly can you come up with the answer to this second multiplication question? Just like before, no looking up the answer on your phone! What is ninety four multiplied by seven?

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  • These Kids Test Answers Are The Best Test Answers Of All Time

    Russia Nepal China Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in its country of residence. It is approximately twelve thousand feet high and remains an active volcano which last erupted in the early seventeen hundreds! This iconic piece of landscape is featured in countless pieces of art from the area, and is internationally regarded as one of the landmark points of interest in this entire country. Question

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  • Sam Says Sweet Sounds

    The fact that they are being so innocently honest can actually result in some of the most hysterical and amusing comments that were ever made. When it comes to kids, expect nothing but pure creativity. In any case, we think he should at least get some points for logic. The finish line If the drawing on this test was to come to life , we would say the person who drew this deserves to finish first, just for that sweet and honest spelling mistake. The power of movies Not only kids are like sponges that absorb everything they see on television or in video games, so are adults. Someone has been watching a little bit too much of the Hunger Games franchise. Can someone please tell this person that killing people is not the first and most appropriate solution for overpopulation. They know how it works This boy knows how to set his priorities straight and we have a feeling he will be doing quit well in life when he grows up.

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  • 25 Kids That Wrote The Funniest Test Answers Ever. Too Funny! | BoredomBash

    The X factor Wow, someone really studied hard for this one! If all test in life were as easy as this one, we would all have a better life. This kid definitely has the X factor when it comes to solving math problems. It all started with.. Do you think someone is influenced by television shows? When you think about, the Big Bang Theory really has become such an inseparable part of our lives that it could totally be counted as a legit answer on a test. Sweet math The guy who answered this test question was so confident about his answer that he needed to repeat it twice.

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  • A List Of Crazy And Unique Methods That You Can Use To Cheat In Exams

    We just wonder how Hope came up with these names for these shapes. We guess this student had nothing to write so he wrote the first thing that was came up to him when he saw the instructions. Pure love This is so innocent, lovely and adorable that we think this kid should get the extra credit just for being so sweet. His or her parents must have such a lovey dovey relationship that this is what they think about the world and about relationships. All the Saturn ladies Someone here is a really big fan of Beyonce that they think every question in life has something to do with a song by the Queen herself. Lost in translation Hysterical! He sure did take on the role of a Chinese immigrant describing his experiences, even if he had no idea what he was writing about.

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  • Smart-Kids Practice Test Mathematics Grade 5 With Answers

    To us it looks like a very authentic Chinese letter. At least this kid was honest about his financial deals at home. Lucky him. Two polar bears Hey, at least they figured out they got the math wrong so they crossed out the original number and corrected it. What do you want to be when you grow up? You know what, most chances this person will be dead in years, so this question is wrong in so many ways to begin with. Some of the answers here, despite them being cheeky, are actually pretty straight forward and correct.

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    Like, what is the reason for divorce? Simple math If there is one thing more annoying than math questions, are those questions asking to explain how you reached your answer. Why is it so important for teachers to understand the logic behind your answer if you got it right? In fact, a brain is considered delicious to people who understand in food. The spelling bee Ten out of ten — brilliant. This kid was so smart that we can forgive his semi-cheaty answers. Kids can be cruel We already know that kids tell the truth and they have no filter mechanisms, but this also results in some very cruel answers and behavior.

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  • These 25 Kids Wrote The Funniest Test Answers Ever. Bet Their Teachers Wished They Hadn’t Asked!

    Inappropriate relationship Student-teacher relationships can be a very sensitive topic in schools and it is definitely not something that is seen in a good light. Literally amazing How do you explain the fact that of all words that this kid was asked to spell, the only one they got right was the one word which means not being able to read or write. The answer is very considerate, thoughtful and caring of the person who answered this. As condescending as it may be, it does make sense in a way. Math made easy There are new rules to thousands of years of math, and here they are. To the greatest mathematicians, this act might be considered as a sin, but it pretty funny. Gary Busey The actor did have a couple of movies or television shows, that could sound like they come from the world of science, such as Point Break or Gunsmoke, but to have an answer based entirely on Gary Busey is a bit far fetched. Deal with it What do you do when you fall on the ground and scratch your knee?

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  • Smart Quizzes - Playbuzz

    You get up and deal with it. But when you are required to answer an exam question and you have no idea what to write, just go with bacon or your favorite choice of food. Maybe the teacher would be so hungry while grading that they would actually accept it. Piano practice We certainly do not imply that playing the piano makes someone a nerd, but this is just too hysterical. It just proves how kids see other kids and their straight forward answers, as insulting as they may be, are just simply hilarious.

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  • Pin On Teaching

    Dream big If all dreams were so easy to achieve like this one of becoming Michael Jordan, except for the whole becoming black part. The shape of a number Is it just us, or does this answer sound like it was taken from Clueless? It just sounds like something Cher would say. What is love? We think answering it with lyrics of a famous song is pretty legit. We bet the teacher was very amused when she read the answer. The animal activist Kids are the best. Sisterhood First of all, why would anyone command their sister to do anything? It is very burlesque-y of this creative person. When in doubt, just sketch. Patriotism Technically, the hilarious answer this student wrote on their U. To be fair, the American Declaration of Independence was signed at the bottom of the page after all.

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  • Marketing Brain IQ Test – Answers

    Patriotism Brainiac We have to give it to this guy, he already answered the question correctly, why does he have to explain how he got to the answer. It would take him longer to explain than the entire question itself. So, instead of giving some sort of elaborate explanation of how he found his answer, he used a more straight-to-the-point response. Although, we are pretty sure the teacher was less than thrilled to see this shortened answer. Brainiac Ice baby Why should you elaborate if the answer is so self explanatory? At the end of a cold day, who cares what hard water is or how it is formed if we all know it as ice? We just wonder whether or not the teacher marked him for his one-worded explanation. Ice baby Meat my hero Instead of writing about a person they are inspired by, this honest student decided to discuss his favorite dinner item, steak.

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  • 8 Mensa IQ Test Questions You Need To Answer To Join Mensa - Insider Monkey

    Meat my hero Test ninja Many of us can probably recall doodling on our homework or exams when we were younger, but this takes in-class drawing to a whole new level. Test ninja Log with rhythm This student actually earned himself a little bit of extra credit for his clever drawing of an adorable log playing the guitar in order to represent logarithm function. This just proves that a good sense of humor can go a long way. Although it seems like the teacher was expecting an answer that would have actually explained in more detail how he managed to choose the correct answer, he provided an answer that was much more literal. We are sure his teacher at least got a nice laugh out of the humorous situation. Show your thinking Smallest number In this case, it seems like the student just may have outsmarted the teacher. While it may be unclear whether or not the kid was just trying to be funny or really thought he was circling the correct answer and not the actual number of the question, pretty sure we can all agree that he is an out-of-the-box thinker.

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  • Hilarious Test Answers From Kids

    Eighty-five percent of those who took our practice tests passed the DMV written test, compared with forty-nine percent of test takers across the country. Practice tests are the best way for you to thoroughly prepare for the DMV knowledge test written or computerized and help you pass it on the first attempt. The multiple-choice questions are based on specialized information from your state's DMV driver manual. They test your knowledge of state-specific rules of the road so you can become a safe and responsible driver. In fact, the more times you take practice tests, the greater your chances of passing the real exam with a high score. You can take the practice tests in any order, but most users progress from Easy Mode to Exam Mode.

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  • 9 Creative And Inventive Ways For Students To Cheat In Exams

    You can also take practice tests that focus specifically on road signs and road situations or on speed limits and legal penalties. Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos, but don't worry, you can download it and watch it with your favorite video player! Improve Overall Learning A recent study of ten of the most popular study techniques showed that practice testing improved overall learning and was the most effective way to receive a passing score. In fact, taking practice tests was more beneficial than spending the same amount of time studying! Practice Really Does Make Perfect! These tests allow you to practice with multiple-choice questions that resemble those on the actual written knowledge exam. Practice tests help you determine which sections of the driver manual require your extra attention. Instant gratification has been proven to improve retention. Thanks to the makers of this site! Andrea Silva California I found out that my DMV test was going to be in five days and found this site with a simple google search.

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  • 36 Test Answers That Are Too Clever For Their Own Good

    The tests were pretty helpful in familiarizing myself with the manual and the kind of questions they may ask. Elizabeth Heaney Connecticut I did my test yesterday and I passed both the practice test and driving test. I really appreciate the efforts by this team to bring such useful material. If you can go through these tests, there is no chance that you cannot clear the main written test. Thanks so much! Tom Reed New Jersey I took the test today and passed, I literally knew every single question on that test, I looked around thinking to myself, Are they serious?! J RaWw Raymond.

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  • Only 17% Of People Can Correctly Answer The World's Shortest IQ Test — See If You're One Of Them

    These are the "Tell me about a time when you Answering Questions About You: Employers want to understand more about you and how you might fit into their oganization. Question: Tell me about yourself. Your answer to this question is your opportunity to share with the interviewer whatever you think is important about you in their hiring decision. More importantly, it is your chance to differentiate yourself from other candidates. In most cases, the standard questions offer the same opportunity.

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  • 40 General Knowledge Pub Quiz Questions To Prove Who's Smartest

    Question: What do you want? Don't interpret this as a philosophical question about your plans for family, retirement, or dinner. The reality is that a potential employer is looking to see if your career aspirations and professional work satisfaction are achievable within their framework. If you want to be a CEO within five years, that may not be a good match for them.

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  • These Hysterical Kids’ Test Answers Are Too Brilliant To Handle

    Focus on them: With that in mind, you will want to know if this job and their organization are a good fit for you. So, instead, share the qualifications, experience, and desires you have that fit this opportunity. Question: Where do you see yourself in five years? You can share how you have been a mentor to others and led projects with little to no supervision. That should indicate you have leadership potential. Think about how you can achieve this in the role you are interviewing for. In technology careers, advancing your skills is important, too. You should be able to share what areas you want to strengthen in the near term but be careful that they are not areas of expertise that the company needs now.

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  • Iq Haven Answers

    Question: Why should we hire YOU? This is clearly a differentiation question. What you want to tell them is: they'd be crazy not to they hire you. Focus on them: You need to only share how you meet almost all the criteria they seek, and also have two to three additional abilities that they might not even know they need…yet. They need to know you are a candidate who can not only meet their needs now, but will also be valuable for where they want to go in the future. Are they likely to need another skill set as they grow as a company? Or maybe you have skills that you noticed are in another job description they are looking to fill?

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  • 24 Intelligent Test Answers That Brilliant Kids Wrote. All % Wrong.

    You can help out with those deliverables until they find someone or be a backup to the person they hire. Have you been down a path already that they are currently starting? There should be a heartfelt answer on this one. Your gut should be giving you the answer. Although, if the reason is about money, location, work schedule, benefits, and other factors not tied to actual role, you may want to think a little more about your answer. None of those reasons are important to the hiring manager.

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  • How Smart Are You? | BrainFall

    Be prepared to answer with your rationale for how this job meets your professional needs and how you can contribute at your highest potential while in this role. People want to feel like their work means something. There is nothing wrong with sharing that feeling in a thoughtful way. Question: How do people describe you? Everyone claims to be: a hard worker, good communicator, and team player.

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  • Funny Test Answers | 50+ Kids Quiz Responses That Went Viral

    But how many are a: problem-solver, game-changer, leader in the industry? Be creative, and have stories to back it up. The interviewer will want to know why someone thinks you are one of these things. Focus on them: You want to present attributes that make you sound like the go-to guy or gal wherever you work. Maybe you work hard, but also help others work fewer hours by helping them do their job better or making their jobs easier. Good communicators are everywhere. But this does not mean just speaking well. It includes listening. Do you understand things quickly? Can you figure out what people are trying to tell you through other clues body language, for example? Being a good team player is expected, too. But what does this really mean? Getting along with everyone? Pulling your weight in the office? Again, expected. What have you done, beyond your job description, that saved the team from a disaster or helped them make an impossible deadline?

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Hard Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers

[DOWNLOAD] Hard Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers The easiest way to play is to divide your group into groups of three or more players...