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What Is American History I? Since we are living here in the United States, we can say it is the beginning of the story of this country. I know we are not living in the past, so sometimes history seems like something that should be more of a hobby...
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For example, if you have ever walked in on the middle of a movie or began watching a TV series from the eighth episode, there are a lot of questions about the events and characters we need answered before we can fully understand what we are...
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You will be able to access various activities as well as the student edition of the textbook. Take advantage of the tools the McDougal-Littell Website provides from the online self-quizzes to section summaries and online flashcards for chapter vocabulary. Each page will include links to USHistory. The website has plenty of resources and links relating to American History, but the online textbook should be used as a supplement to our textbook and in class discussions. Homework and Announcements via Remind Period 4.
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American history 2 exam review hz and 60hz dual monitor reddit Infoderby centerblog Acestream ufc The history of North America began long before Columbus set foot in a new world. But once he did, things would never be the same. Adam Norris , views. Every important vocabulary word from American Pageant 13th edition , broken down chapter-by-chapter for quick review. These vocabulary flashcards cover nearly all AP U. History concepts you will see on the AP exam. Practice Tests. Test your U. History knowledge with one of our sample tests. Use these sample questions to focus your studying History Exam. The AP U. It covers American History from to the present. The exam is divided into George Cassutto, developed the following sets of essays for your review and critique. We encourage constructive criticism to be sent to us via e-mail on any of these essays. It was during this time that early modern humans developed. Like the hominids who came before them, early humans were hunter-gatherers.
The Foreignness Of Germs: The Persistent Association Of Immigrants And Disease In American Society
They wandered from place to place, looking for animals to hunt and plants to gather for food. Take care when scheduling your computer-based exam appointment, as there is a USD 25 rescheduling fee if you wish to reschedule your exam appointment in your exam window. This little book comes with a teacher key. The questions The war cast America onto the world stage as a mighty economic and military giant. It rescued the country from the Great Depression, created full employment, and for the first time in a generation increased real income for American workers.
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The American Academy of Pediatrics is dedicated to the health of all children. AP World History 3 page summary Quick and to the point! Choose from different sets of final exam review american history 2 flashcards on Quizlet. Section 2 of the AP US History exam is the free-response section, meaning you will have to write out your answers in an essay format. General Cornwallis surrendered, marking the unofficial end of the war. The war ended in , and the United States of America was born. The review course includes a comprehensive instructor led video, interactive knowledge check, with correct and incorrect answer descriptions. Buy Now. Buy Now 8. The statistic that is not accurate with respect to American urbanization between and is b. The document that sets the standards for podiatric residency training is revised every 6 years. The CPME has completed their recommended changes to Document ; Standards and Requirements for Approval of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Residencies and those draft changes are now available for review and public comment.
American History 2 Exam Review
This includes notes, vocabulary, chapter readings, and homework assignments especially any comparison charts. Acad Psychiatry 34, — How well does the psychiatry residency in-training examination predict performance on the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Part I History Journal. Label them: Concept 2: Challenges to American Farmers. Timeline After reading the extension activity article, select the most important events from the timeline below and record them in your U. Sign In. Introductory and intermediate music theory lessons, exercises, ear trainers, and calculators. Er zijn o. Welcome to the West Charlotte American History 2 website! Here you will find teacher contact information, assignments, resources, links, and anything else pertinent to the class American History 2 at West Charlotte High School.
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Civics History and Government Questions for the Naturalization Test The civics history and government questions and answers for the naturalization test are listed below. An applicant must answer US History I. An Interpretive History of Life in America, Exam Review. Answer one 1 of the following questions with an extended essay that draws upon class lectures and assigned readings. The twenty questions are taken from a set of questions on topics including: American Government, American History, and Integrated Civics. Candidates are given two chances to pass the Civics exam. If a candidate fails the exam, they are given another chance to pass the test between 60 and 90 days after their first test.
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AP United States History
Native Americans lived in the Americas for thousands of years until the arrival of Christopher Columbus which started the European colonization of the Americas. Did you know that the United States was formed in the year when the declaration of independence was made? Well, take the test below, and see how much you know. Questions and Answers Removing question excerpt is a premium feature Upgrade and get a lot more done! Upgrade 1. Why were the League of Nations and the United Nations created? To end world hunger. To prevent future wars.
American History 1 Nc Final Exam
During the 20th century the united states witnessed sweeping social, political, and economic transformations as well as far-reaching advancements in medical diagnosis and care. Despite the dramatic changes in demography, the meaning of citizenship, and the ability to treat and cure acute and chronic diseases, foreigners were consistently associated with germs and contagion. In this article we explore why, at critical junctures in American history, immigrants have been stigmatized as the etiology of a wide variety of physical and societal ills. Anti-immigrant rhetoric and policy have often been framed by an explicitly medical language, one in which the line between perceived and actual threat is slippery and prone to hysteria and hyperbole.
American History I
Our examination focuses on three periods of immigration history: 1 the late 19th century to the passage of the National Origins Act in when millions of newcomers arrived in the United States and increasingly stringent quotas were enacted; 2 an era of retrenchment and exclusion from to when far fewer immigrants entered yet their identification with disease and contamination remained intact; 3 and the period from to the present, when family reunification laws became the centerpiece of immigration policy and spawned the migration of millions of Asians and Latin Americans to this country. In each of these phases, even as the political and social currents shifted, a series of interrelated factors shaped immigrant health and health care in American society. First, the social perception of the threat of the infected immigrant was typically far greater than the actual danger. Second, Americans have tended to view illness among immigrants already settled in the United States as an imported phenomenon.
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Third, policymakers have employed strikingly protean medical labels of exclusion. Although such labels never became the primary reason for debarring specific immigrant groups, their widespread use contributed to durable biological metaphors that explained, usually in catastrophic terms, the potential risks of unrestricted immigration to the nation's social health. The association of immigrants with disease persisted even as health care improved substantially with the introduction of vaccines that all but eliminated age-old scourges such as cholera, yellow fever, and smallpox; broad-spectrum antibiotics that quelled previously devastating bacterial infections; and the development of lifesaving procedures. Maintaining and protecting the public health in our current era of globalization require an ecumenical, pragmatic, and historically informed approach to understanding the links between immigration and disease.
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Racial Labels and Medical Exclusion, — Recent scholarship has shown that public health and medicine have been crucial to immigration and the immigrant experience in American society Kraut ; Markel For the most part, these studies have concentrated on the period from to the mids, when more than 25 million newcomers arrived at U. They came primarily by sea, across the Atlantic from eastern, southern, and central Europe; across the Pacific from China, Japan, and South Asia; and also by foot across the Canadian and Mexican borders.
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For those who climbed aboard a steamship to their future in a faraway land, the journey was often an ordeal and, at times, risked the health of even the heartiest travelers. Was the food as rotten, the treatment as harsh, the steerage as sickening? To be sure, memory plays tricks on even the most logically minded, and harrowing events often become more so in the retelling. But as several immigration historians and, more important, actual participants have noted, the steerage compartments of most oceangoing vessels of this era, which carried the bulk of the passengers, offered only cramped and unsanitary quarters consisting of long tiers of berths on either side of the ship and a central area for benches and tables where immigrants took their meals.
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Bedding and linen were rarely provided; well-prepared immigrants brought their own. The food served onboard was often unpalatable at best and downright inedible at worst. Seasickness and its all too common companion, vomiting, were habitual features of the voyage, and open troughs and rudimentary water closets served as toilets. Sporadically flushed clean with buckets of saltwater, the facilities aboard many of these ships were foul, disgusting, and, to say the least, an imminent health hazard. Indeed, the risks of malnourishment and the prolonged debilitation brought about by these arduous conditions made these travelers susceptible to a host of medical problems. Although many immigrants were inspected by physicians before leaving Europe and Asia, especially after the passage of a series of immigration acts beginning in —a time in which many now-forgotten diseases were everyday occurrences and the average life expectancy across the globe hovered at 40 years of age—few left their host country in solid health U.
Immigration Commission Beginning in the s and s, as the pace of urbanization and industrialization quickened, many native-born Americans became alarmed at the huge numbers of immigrants arriving daily at Ellis Island and similar, but smaller, reception centers around the country. Between and , approximately 3 million newcomers set foot in the United States, almost the same number of immigrants who entered the country during the entire decade of the s. Between and , 6 million immigrants landed, followed by 18 million between and U. Immigration Bureau — These figures are even more significant when comparing the size of annual admissions with the size of the host society rate of immigration. This rate reached its zenith in the first decade of the 20th century 10 to 11 immigrants arriving per 1, residents per year and dropped off sharply in the aftermath of the restrictive admission policies of the s, the Great Depression, and World War II.
AP United States History - Wikipedia
By contrast, today's wave of immigration, while in absolute numbers approximates that of the early 20th century, runs at a rate of about four immigrants per 1, residents per year Statistical Abstract of the United States The early 20th-century term new immigrant referred to those originating from eastern, central, and southern Europe e. This trend intensified during the first two decades of the 20th century. Department of Labor , chart 2. Several factors converged in the late 19th century to make immigration—leaving one's native land, enduring the transoceanic passage, and being processed upon arrival in the United States—a journey increasingly mediated by the language and practice of medicine and public health.
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First, the rise of bacteriology, which for the first time in human history identified microscopic organisms as the culprits of specific diseases, galvanized existing public health programs and encouraged medical authorities to believe that germs could be contained and controlled through direct intervention Leavitt Second, during a period in which evolutionary doctrines upheld a belief in the racial degeneracy of most nonwhite groups, it was relatively easy to attribute the weary condition of some immigrants—whether impoverished, malnourished, or suffering from a particular ailment—to their biological inferiority.
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Third, the broader medical surveillance of immigrants was part and parcel of a more overarching expansion of the federal government that entailed the subsumption of local and state public health agencies by the United States Public Health Service USPHS 1 Marcus Furthermore, politicians and physicians alike began to consider a comprehensive public health apparatus as essential to making America a modern nation and inoculating the future of the country against unwanted germs from both within and without Rosen With the passage of the Immigration Act of , a permanent foundation for the federal government's oversight of immigration began. This and subsequent laws included detailed regulations governing eligibility for entry. At the turn of the century, as the reach of the federal government extended even further, the USPHS began to occupy a more central role at the ports of entry throughout the nation, displacing local authorities.
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On the West Coast, for example, although the USPHS met resistance from the San Francisco Board of Health when it tried to claim jurisdiction over matters related to immigrant health inspections, the federal government eventually established control in with the opening of the Angel Island immigration station and hospital Daniels ; Shah Whether entering the United States via land or water, immigrants passed through an elaborate set of medical and psychological criteria that were quite real and frightening as the clinical gaze and diagnostic equipment of the public health physicians sized up their physical and mental condition.
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The overwhelming majority of immigrants passed their medical examinations and settled gradually into life in a new country. A small number, however, were turned back or detained for weeks, months, or even years at USPHS hospitals as they underwent observation and treatment for illnesses ranging from trachoma to ringworm. If not cured within a reasonable period of time, deportation—adjudicated by the immigration authorities with the input of the USPHS physicians—was typically the recommendation Markel and Stern Nevertheless, all excludable immigrants were entitled to make their case before the Board of Special Inquiry, where immigration and public health officials offered their opinions of the desirability of the individual in question. The procedure of medical inspection at New York Harbor, which from to received more than 75 percent of all immigrants, and at the other processing centers along the nation's perimeter warrants comment. Not surprisingly, during an era in which the lines of Jim Crow segregation were being etched across the South, xenophobia against ethnic minorities was mounting, and the working class was regularly blamed for the seething class tensions and outspreading slums in American cities, the USPHS's approach to assessing newcomers was often predicated on the prevailing racial and class stereotypes.
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For example, Mexican and Chinese laborers, who donned work clothes and did not display the fashionable dress of more affluent immigrants, were subjected to harsher medical scrutiny, more frequently poked for blood and urine samples, and disinfected with chemical agents Markel and Stern ; Shah Indeed, it was nearly always the case that travelers in first, and most in second, class on ships and trains entering the country underwent a more much cursory appraisal than did those in steerage. In order to avoid more invasive and traumatic medical examinations, the wealthier immigrants, especially before , were encouraged by European and Asian shipping agents to purchase a first- or second-class ticket in order to keep clear of the intrusive eyes of the American doctors Fishberg Recent research regarding the Mexican border found that after the erection of medical inspection and disinfection stations from California to Texas in the s, many working-class immigrants, including Chinese, Syrians, and Mexicans, began to cross into the United States along unwatched stretches of desert or remote points along the Rio Grande in order to evade public health authorities Markel and Stern At Ellis Island and other stations, USPHS physicians monitored the steady stream of immigrants filing through the labyrinth of fenced-in areas, on the lookout for a list of medical and psychiatric conditions that grew longer each year Birn ; Dwork ; Yew For example, one physician was stationed near an entryway, accessible only by stairs, where he could scrutinize newcomers hauling their suitcases and possessions for signs of shortness of breath and cardiac problems.
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Another physician carefully inspected the neck size and shape of those queuing before him for evidence of goiter. Yet another examined newcomers for rashes on the skin, nails, and scalp that might indicate ringworm, favus, and other fungal infections Reed a , b. Most vividly recalled by immigrants, however, was the dreaded eye examination for trachoma, which involved everting the eyelid with either the physician's fingers or an implement akin to a buttonhook Markel Commonly used instruments were stethoscopes and, after , X rays, which aided in the identification of pulmonary tuberculosis. Similarly, the tools of the bacteriology laboratory, such as microscopes, slides, stains, and culture methods, were regularly used at American immigration centers during the first two decades of the 20th century.
American History 1 Nc Final Exam
These apparatus were crucial to the diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases, like gonorrhea and syphilis, and parasitic infections, like hookworm. USPHS physicians also looked for insanity, hernias, rheumatism, senility, malignancies, varicose veins, poor eyesight or blindness, and a range of other infirmities Kraut In any year between and , less than 3 percent of the total number of immigrants seeking entry to the United States were rejected for reasons of a contagious, infectious, or loathsome disease; mental disorder; or physical disability.
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What did change during this period was the percentage of those immigrants debarred for medical reasons out of the total number debarred for any reason e. For example, in , of the total number of immigrants excluded, only 2 percent were shut out based on medical criteria. In , this percentage rose to 57 percent, and by , it was 69 percent. More significantly, this proportional increase was not the result of a higher incidence of contagious or infectious disease; rather, it was due to a growing list of ailments, physical disabilities, and, over time, determinations of moral status Kraut ; U. Medical rejection rates varied from region to region and reflected the racial and ethnic segregation that characterized the Progressive Era. For example, between and , approximately 15 million newcomers, primarily European, arrived at Ellis Island.
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Conversely, at Angel Island, where approximately , Chinese, Japanese, and Korean immigrants landed between and , about 17 percent of all immigrants were debarred, and one-third of those were rejected because of a diagnosis of trachoma Daniels ; Salyer ; USPHS — ; Shah Indeed, although the Chinese comprised only 1 percent of the nation's immigrants during this period, they accounted for more than 4 percent of all immigrants deported each year Daniels Along the 2,mile border between Mexico and the United States, the tension between the constant demand from southwestern growers and industrialists for cheap labor and the USPHS's mandate to protect the nation's health created an unusual form of medical inspection and quarantine.
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However, after the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution in , U. Besides being cast as transient and uprooted, Mexicans also began to be categorized as diseased and dirty. News of a typhus epidemic in Mexico's interior in and the discovery of several cases of the fever in El Paso, Texas, in late led the USPHS to launch a full-scale quarantine in January Under the constant gaze of attendants, entrants were stripped naked, showered with kerosene, examined for lice and nits, and vaccinated against smallpox. Several months after the quarantine had been in effect, officials reported that the threat of typhus had all but disappeared. Despite this, however, medical inspections remained in force until the late s; a public health response to a manageable epidemic had metamorphosed into a protracted quarantine along the entire U.
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Finally, along the vast Canadian-American border, where immigrants entering the United States typically underwent medical examinations along the eastern seaboard before proceeding inland and an amicable relationship existed between American and Canadian officials, the immigrant traffic was relatively light. When the newcomers in question were of British descent, questions of assimilation were easily dismissed. For those of French heritage, however, entering New England could sometimes be more difficult Stern and Markel However, for the most part, along the Canadian border, quiescence reigned: the protocol in place throughout the country was followed, but in terms of public health concerns, the situation never approached the intensity of the two coasts or the Mexican border, nor were nativist voices nearly as vociferous Markel and Stern Perhaps the most striking feature of the medical inspection of immigrants at different ports and borders during this era was the fluidity of the exclusionary labels themselves.
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Although some of the classifications were more popular in specific regions of the country, an underlying premise colored them all: immigrants threatened the health of the nation. Fast-moving epidemics, such as typhoid or cholera, requiring immediate action preoccupied medical authorities from the mids to the onset of the 20th century Rosenberg By the s, however, in part due to public health campaigns, the growing popularity of personal hygiene, and for reasons that still puzzle historians, epidemics were on the wane Rosen ; Tomes In order to legitimate a more enduring restriction against the menace of germs and foreigners that the rapid rise and fall of a typhus, yellow fever, or plague epidemic could not justify, immigration restrictionists began to mine the language of eugenics Allen ; Kevles Relying on simplistic Mendelian theories of dominant and recessive traits, eugenicists asserted that not only did potentially infectious newcomers threaten the present with their propensity toward contagion, poverty, and alien beliefs but also their admission endangered the future of American society.
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With a protean vocabulary that connected foreign germs and genes to fears of societal disruption and the mongrelization of the American race, nativists were instrumental in the passage of the National Origins Act, which imposed exceedingly strict quotas on so-called new immigrants and debarred all Asian entrants Higham ; Ngai A quota system based on national origins that clearly ranked immigrant groups in order of desirability was inaugurated with the Immigration Act of , which allowed for the entrance of 3 percent of foreign nationalities as recorded in the census. The quota system was further restricted in , when the National Origins Act decreed that based on the census, only 2 percent of the foreign born of a given nationality would be admitted.
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If it was not the land of our fathers, at least it may be, and it should be the land of our children. We intend to maintain it so. The day of unalloyed welcome to all peoples, the day of indiscriminate acceptance of all races, has definitely ended. Bernard , Following on the heels of a series of progressively detailed laws dictating the entry of the foreign born—such as the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Immigration Act, and the Quarantine Act—the act represented both a crescendo of nativism and the start of a new era of immigration and racial exclusion in American society.
BLANCHARD, MARLEY (Social Studies) / American History II
Whichever the group in question, however, categories of medical exclusion had become closely entwined with racial labels and perceptions of foreigners as inassimilable and diseased.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Nc American History 1 Released Exam
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