[DOWNLOAD] Microbiology Lab Practical Exam
The performance-based required us to make a successful gram stain and pure culture following proper procedure aseptic technique, etc. The written portion was over procedures ex: how to do a gram stain , bacteria morphology ex: it showed a pic of...
[FREE] Microbiology Lab Practical Exam | latest!
This lab practical took a few days because we had to isolate the organism and through a series of tests, determine what the organism was. If you had a culture contamination, potentially you had a problem because some test would turn out positive...
Microbiology Lab Exam #2
That was simply how my particular microbiology class ran. We could've done things differently where we might have been given pre-prepared slides and tests and whatnot to determine the organism by looking at it. That kind of testing would've gone faster, but we would not have been able to prove quite readily whether or not we understood aseptic technique.
13: Putting It All Together—Case Studies In Microbiology
Overall, I quite enjoyed microbiology, but I don't think that I would've ever wanted to make it my life's work. Nov 24, We had to walk around, identify specific bacteria in microscope slides and answer multiple choice questions like definitions from our lab book. My professor was easy. You learn to prep slides, do stains e. Gram stain, simple stain, etc. You'll more than likely have to do an Unknown project of some sort at the end of the semester. Either you will be given samples or you'll have to go swab objects e. Lots of fun, especially when you have good dichotomous keys to work from. In our lab, we had 4 exams plus we had to turn in 5 formal lab reports and do an Unknown project given 2 samples. Do you have your syllabus yet? If so, take a look at it.
Biology Lab Practical 1 Quizlet
It should give you an idea of what you're in for : Best of luck to you! Nov 25, We got a tube with an unknown gram positive and an unknow gram negative and we had 2 weeks to figure out what they were and write a lab report. It was fun 0 Likes.
Medical Microbiology 2420
Anonymous Anonymous asked: How hard is the first Microbiology Lab practical? I have it tomorrow :- I don't understand the formatting of the practical. Will they give questions like the quiz questions during lab or will it all be doing experiments and gram staining? The practical is literally given to you. Make sure you know how to do all that and all the answers to questions. Some of it is actual experiments like gram staining. And then some are straight up memorization questions. Like what color is a gram negative bacteria? If an agar has black on it, what does that mean?
Microbiology Lab Practical 1
And things like that. Find it in your lab manual. You literally have the practical before hand. You just have to make sure you know everything on that page.
Microbiology Lab Exam 1 Stains
Over 5, study questions LabCE's Exam Simulator includes over 5, multiple-choice questions in all major laboratory subject areas. Questions include illustrations and photomicrographs when available. Take a ten-question preview of the Exam Simulator to see what kind of questions are included. Take a free ten-question preview I just wanted to tell you how wonderful and helpful your exam simulator is. Your exam simulator helped to prepare me for the exam. I also played the game mode when I was bored. Since you have the option to download the app on mobile devices, I downloaded it on my phone and Kindle. The subject mode helps to strengthen any weak areas.
Introduction To The Microbiology Laboratory
I would recommend it to anyone taking any of the certification exams. Janice Ferguson Feedback on all 5, questions Each question includes detailed feedback that explains the correct and incorrect answers, so you can learn as you practice. Exam Simulator adapts just like the real certification exams, giving you harder questions the more you answer right.
Book: Laboratory Exercises In Microbiology (McLaughlin And Petersen)
Your practice tests and review questions are customized so that you'll see questions of appropriate difficulty. Add additional study material and web-based learning modules from LabCE's course library by choosing a Gold or Platinum subscription. Education Program Directors: Flexible Purchasing Options Available Let students purchase their own access to the Exam Simulator, or get a group discount if your organization purchases several seats on behalf of your students. Either way, you'll be able to access all tracking and reporting features. Subscriptions are for a full year. We can work with your institution's bookstore to provide purchasing options for students as well. Get a quote for your education program Get a Quote for 5 or More Users Customize your review Spend more time on the questions that are more challenging for you.
Top Exams 2021
Focus on tricky or frequently missed questions to help optimize your study. Wide variety of subject matter Questions cover all major laboratory subject areas, including blood bank, chemistry, hematology, immunology, laboratory operations, microbiology, bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, virology, and urinalysis. Add additional study material and web-based learning modules from LabCE's course library at an additional discount. Mobile access available Access the Exam Simulator on-the-go using your smartphone or tablet. A custom finger-friendly interface lets you prepare for your exams anytime, anywhere. Printable reports can also be created at any time. Track your progress over time Charts and graphs help to show how your exam simulator results improve over time. See your progress by subject area and overall score.
Biology 111 Lab Quizlet
Compare your progress to other students Identify subject areas in which you are stronger or weaker than other students that are using the Exam Simulator. See how your scores stack up to other users. Compete for a spot on the new Game Mode leader boards. Answer as many questions as you can without getting 5 wrong. Challenge your friends and other students! Get an instant quote for your program Help increase program performance with more preparation for certification exams. Assign your students exams based on what they should be studying. Track the progress of your students with online access to detailed reports and scores. Review students' performance on practice tests that use exam categories and question topics modeled after the actual certification exams. Deliver subject-specific exam review in chemistry, hematology, microbiology, blood banking, and other subject areas.
Microbiology Lab Exam 1
My teacher wasnt real clear on what it was like even though I asked her twice. Maybe the type of stain and the result? But in the end, it really depends on your teacher. The TA set up I think like Each station would have plates with bacteria growing on them that we had to identify; we had to look at microscope slides, slants, etc. The performance-based required us to make a successful gram stain and pure culture following proper procedure aseptic technique, etc. The written portion was over procedures ex: how to do a gram stain , bacteria morphology ex: it showed a pic of rod-shaped bacteria and asked the type of bacteria , selective and differential media ex: what does a SIM tube test for and is it selective or differential , and procedures we had done in the class ex: how to calculate the FDF of a test tube.
Tips For Studying For The Lab Practical Exam In Microbiology
Each class is different though, so it's hard to say! Has 6 years experience. Nov 24, It has been a few years now, but as I recall why microbiology lab practical was something along the lines of identifying an unknown organism using standardized testing. This lab practical took a few days because we had to isolate the organism and through a series of tests, determine what the organism was. If you had a culture contamination, potentially you had a problem because some test would turn out positive when they should be and negative when they shouldn't be, and that can get really confusing so you have to use the weight of evidence and try to determine which is which.
Bio 101 Lab Final Quizlet
It wasn't hard but you have to be very precise about maintaining aseptic technique and based on previous testing, figure out a plan for what next test to do. That also meant determining what tests would confirm or refute the test you just ran. In my case, I have determined what organism I had been given for testing by only running 2 tests. I then ran a couple more tests to confirm the fact that I had that particular specific organism. Fortunately, because I was relatively certain that I had isolated the organism to begin with, I could run the next couple of tests very quickly, in fact I ran simultaneously those tests. It really was not that hard, but in the end I did correctly identify the organism and I managed to prevent contamination of my samples without too much difficulty.
Exams 2021, Tests & Answers
The reason why my instructor did this type of test is that it encapsulated everything that we did throughout the entire semester. You had to apply everything you have learned throughout the semester in order to complete the final exam practical. That was simply how my particular microbiology class ran. We could've done things differently where we might have been given pre-prepared slides and tests and whatnot to determine the organism by looking at it. That kind of testing would've gone faster, but we would not have been able to prove quite readily whether or not we understood aseptic technique. Overall, I quite enjoyed microbiology, but I don't think that I would've ever wanted to make it my life's work.
Microbiology Lab Exam 2
Nov 24, We had to walk around, identify specific bacteria in microscope slides and answer multiple choice questions like definitions from our lab book. My professor was easy. You learn to prep slides, do stains e. Gram stain, simple stain, etc. You'll more than likely have to do an Unknown project of some sort at the end of the semester. Either you will be given samples or you'll have to go swab objects e. Lots of fun, especially when you have good dichotomous keys to work from. In our lab, we had 4 exams plus we had to turn in 5 formal lab reports and do an Unknown project given 2 samples.
Microbiology Lab Practical
Do you have your syllabus yet? If so, take a look at it. It should give you an idea of what you're in for : Best of luck to you! Nov 25, We got a tube with an unknown gram positive and an unknow gram negative and we had 2 weeks to figure out what they were and write a lab report. It was fun 0 Likes.
Microbiology Lab Practical 1 Flashcards Preview
The Gram stain is a differential stain that differentiates bacteria on the basis of their cell wall structure, based on the ability of the bacteria cell wall to retain the crystal violet dye during solvent treatment Xu, Manual. By using appropriate dyes, different components and structures of the bacteria and the bacteria itself may be made easier to visualize. How do differential stains differ from simple stains? Simple stains help to stain the outlines of bacterial cells, giving one the characteristic shape, size, and arrangments of the cells stained with the simple stain. For example, you can stain different strains of bacterial cells so that you can better visualise their overall form, size, and arrangments. However, applying a simple stain to a bacterial colony comprising of both types; cells with thick peptidoglycan layer, and cells with thin peptidoglucan layer as an example , will not help distinguish them, and they tend to look roughly the same given that they're both of the same strain.
Microbiology Lab Exam 1 Flashcards - Medicoguia.com
Where a differentail stain will differentiate between the two cells. Gram-positive cell walls have a thick peptidoglycan layer beyond the plasma membrane. Characteristic polymers called teichoic and lipoteichoic acids stick out above the peptidoglycan and it is because of their negative charge that the cell wall is overall negative. What does a G- gram negative cell wall look like?
What Is A Microbiology Lab Practical Like? - Pre-Nursing Students - Allnurses®
The G- cells appear pink in color in a Gram Stain. Gram-negative cell walls are more complex. They have a thin peptidoglycan layer and an outer membrane lipopolysaccharide beyond the plasma membrane. The space between the plasma membrane and the outer membrane is called the periplasm. The outer leaflet of the outer membrane is composed mainly of a molecule called lipopolysaccharide LPS. Gram-negative cells will stain pink with the Gram stain. What is a Microscope? Microscope: a device for magnifying objects that are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Simple microscope: single lens magnifier Compound microscope: employs two or more lenses What is Parfocal?
Microbiology Lab Exam #1
Parfocal: the objective lenses are mounted on the microscope so that they can be interchanged without having to appreciably vary the focus. What is resolving power or resolution? Resolving power or resolution: the ability to distinguish objects that are close together. The better the resolving power of the microscope, the closer together two objects can be and still be seen as separate.
General Microbiology - Practical Exam 1
What is magnification? Magnification: the process of enlarging the size of an object, as an optical image What is total magnification? Total magnification: In a compound microscope the total magnification is the product of the objective and ocular lenses see figure below. The magnification of the ocular lenses on your scope is 10X. The refractive index is a measure of the relative velocity at which light passes through a material. When light rays pass through the two materials specimen and medium that have different refractive indices, the rays change direction from a straight path by bending refracting at the boundary between the specimen and the medium.
Microbiology Lab Practical 1 Flashcards | Microbiology Lab, Microbiology, Microbiology Study
What are two ways to change the refractive index? One way to change the refractive index is by staining the specimen. Another is to use immersion oil. While we want light to refract differently between the specimen and the medium, we do not want to lose any light rays, as this would decrease the resolution of the image. By placing immersion oil between the glass slide and the oil immersion lens X , the light rays at the highest magnification can be retained. Immersion oil has the same refractive index as glass so the oil becomes part of the optics of the microscope. Without the oil the light rays are refracted as they enter the air between the slide and the lens and the objective lens would have to be increased in diameter in order to capture them. Using oil has the same effect as increasing the objective diameter therefore improving the resolving power of the lens.
Exam Simulator - Practice For ASCP, AMT, And AAB Exams
How will a basic simple stain look like under the microscope? An acidic simple stain? Basic, or direct stains will stain the organism. Negative, or indirect will stain the background. What is heat fixation? Heat Fixation: application of heat to a bacterial smear preparation. This procedure simultaneously kills and attaches the bacteria to the slide. Which staining technique is the most important?
Microbiology Lab Practical Exam Flashcards - Medicoguia.com
Students learn how to culture bacteria and test for antibiotic resistance, how to stain and observe bacteria and immune cells under the light microscope, how to measure antibody activity and how to grow and count viruses. The module will also highlight the importance of laboratory health and saftey. Outline Of Syllabus The Microbiology and Immunology practical skills module consists of laboratory-based practicals on the following topics: introductory bacteriology; elements of the immune system; bacteripophage assays. Intended Knowledge Outcomes At the end of this module students should be able to: 1. Explain the underlying principles of a number of essential practical techniques used to investigate microbiology and immunology. Describe health and safety precautions which need to be taken when working in microbiology and immunology laboratories. Intended Skill Outcomes At the end of this module students should be able to: 1.
Bio 1114 Spice Lab
Carry out a number of essential practical techniques used to investigate microbiology and immunology. Work safely in microbiology and immunology laboratories legal awareness. Use computer aided learning packages to explore concepts in microbiology use of computer application Teaching Methods Please note that module leaders are reviewing the module teaching and assessment methods for Semester 2 modules, in light of the Covid restrictions. There may also be a few further changes to Semester 1 modules. Final information will be available by the end of August in for Semester 1 modules and the end of October for Semester 2 modules. Teaching Activities.
Microbiology Lab Practical
What is this piece of equipment called and how is it used? Graduated Cylinder; What is this piece of equipment called and what is it used for? Beaker; cook with it What is this piece of equipment called and what is it used for? Flask, cook with it What is this piece of equipment and what is it used for? Weight Scales; for measuring weight What is this piece of equipment called? Bunsen burner What is this piece of equipment called and what is it used for? Inoculating needle; used for transferring bacteria when it must be stabbed. What piece of equipment is this?
Science Handouts
Depression Slide it is ground out in the middle What piece of equipment is this and how is it used? Durham tube; glass tubing sealed on one end. Used in sugar fermentation test traps gas bubble What are these called and how and when are they used? Cover slips; used with depression slide to look at live bacteria. Spatula; a metal scoop used to measure out media What is this equipment called and what would it be used for? Test tube; used for growing bacteria in fluids or broths What is media? Broths-liquids Gelatin-broth with gelatin added to become a semi-solid Agar-solid, Jell-O-like When mixing media to what place to we round up. Always round up and measurements should go to the 10th of a gram. How many grams of powder are needed to prepare 25 mL of Nutrient Broth? How many grams of powder are needed to prepare 41 mL Spirit Blue Agar? How many grams of powder are needed to prepare 25 mL of Kligar Iron Agar?
Microbiology Lab Manual (Spring 2021)
Microscope What part of the microscope is this? Eyepiece What part of the microscope is this? Lamp What part of the microscope is this? Nosepiece What part of the microscope is this? Base What part of the microscope is this? Stage What part of the microscope is this? Substage Adjustment What part of the microscope is this? Objectives What part of the microscope is this? Fine Adjustment What part of the micrscope is this? Arm What part of the microscope is this? Diaphragm Lever What part of the microscope is this? Course Adjustment What is the temperature setting for the refrigerator? Petri Dish; used to grow bacteria utilizing media on the top lid What is the name of this piece of equipment and what is it used for? Inoculating loop; used for transferring bacteria to the surface of media. What equipment is being used to run this test? Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Based on the information which suspect cannot be excluded?
Hol Lab Safety Answers
Suspect JT What test utilizes this chemical to see shape and arrangement? Negative or Background Staining What media is used for the Negative or background stain. What chemical is used for the negative or background staining? India Ink What are the possible shapes that can result from a negative or background stain? Capsular Staining What does a capsular stain test for? The presence or lack of a capsule What media is used to conduct the capsular stain? None is used. What chemicals are used to conduct the capsular stain? Crystal Violet and India Ink. What are the possible results of the capsular staining test? A positive result will show a purple bacteria with a dark background.
Putting It All Together—Case Studies In Microbiology - Biology LibreTexts
The area between these two will be a clear area. This is the capsule. A negative result will lack this clear region. Are there any special genera associated with the capsular staining test? What is a Smear Preparation? It is the first step in the staining process in which bacteria is adhered to the slide so it won't wash off or become distorted during the staining process. This is done by placing water and the bacteria on the slide and allowing it to dry and then heat fixing it. What test is conducted to determine the nature of the cell wall? Gram Stain What media is used in a Gram Stain? What Chemicals are used in the Gram stain and in what order? Crystal Violet.
Micro Lab Practical I Review
Unknown Report includes hypotheses and references 25 Notebook: 20 Laboratory Total points Extra credit opportunities worth a total of 5 points will be provided throughout the semester. Five percentage points will be deducted for everyday that an assignment is submitted late. Assignments more than one week late will not be graded. One late assignment may be submitted without deduction using the late coupon found in the appendix.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Microbiology Lab Practical Exam
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